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2024-01-11 11:03:18 +00:00
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:content {:text "FLASH radiotherapy (FLASH-RT) is a promising cancer treatment under development, that involves an almost instantaneous delivery of a high radiation dose in only a few radiation pulses of ultra-high dose rate."},
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:content {:text "The actual accelerator structure of a laser driven electron accelerator is only a few cm in size and can reach energies up to GeV [28]. Laserdriven particle accelerators, which are being considered as the next generation of compact and cost-effective accelerators for radiotherapy with VHEE [29] as well as protons [30], can deliver ultra-short radiation pulses of extremely high dose rate (up to 109 1012 Gy/s)"},
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:content {:text "However, extended studies with FLASH parameters are needed before the Fricke dosimetry can be used as primary standard in UHPDR electron beams. Such studies will be carried out by as part of work package 1 (WP 1) of UHDpulse."},
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:content {:text "In addition, it is planned to explore beam current transformers(BCT), such as AC Current Transformer (ACCT) or Integrating Current Transformer (ICT). These devices are promising, even though they are not used in clinical settings. "},
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:content {:text "nvestigating ion recombination in ionization chambers under such conditions"},
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2024-01-12 22:46:43 +00:00
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