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This commit is contained in:
Miriam Brosi 2023-12-03 21:26:28 +01:00
commit 04da179f7e
100 changed files with 11444 additions and 0 deletions

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registration first of December

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Notizen von Treffen mit Anke am 24.07.2023
Mri linacs (edit: MRI/MRT geführte strahlen Therapie mit linac)
Phaser (edit: PHASER: A platform for clinical translation of FLASH cancer radiotherapy: Pluridirectional high-energy agile scanning electronic radiotherapy (PHASER) is next-generation medical linac technology for ultra-rapid highly conformal image-guided radiation, fast enough to "freeze" physiological motion, affording improved accuracy, precision, and potentially superior FLASH radiobiological therapeutic index.)
(edit: nicht klar ob PHASER xray oder electron wird?)
Slac (edit: PHASER will be developed at SLAC)
Thz mutiplier (edit???)
Geant, fluka, abweichung zu messungen
Strahlung materie Wechselwirkung
Für kurze pulse
Elektronen thz rontgen /pulse
***Standard dosimetry für alle Teilchen Arten
Besonders gepulst***
Kooperationen mit heika / heidelberg
Studie was machen die anderen an sachen.
Paper und Vorträge lesen
Anke will links zu schicken zu zb flash diagnostik/effekt
Was macht die longitudinale Struktur?
Detektion und model, zeit Abhängigkeit
Wassermodel, polymere, interaktion
Molekulare zeit skalen..., rekombination der sachen....
Freie radikale spielen rolle
Model für tumor und inteaktion
Gerade hype um wasser und Molekül physik
Vlt tests mit thz kurze pulse
Physikalischer zwilling eines tumors..
Cstart macht spektrales scanning.
Weil bunche länger werden.
Könnte gut für diagnostik. Interleaving. Snapshot
(Radioresistivity verringern mit impfung...)
Liquid textpdf tool
Bdsim basierend auf geant4
Sagt Lennart
Primärstandart für dosimetry gerade erst by flash
- Kalle
- auch röntgen strahlung für flash oder nur elektronen/protonen -> gibt Flash photon, but at moment mostly electron/proton (
photon/xray flash kann man schaun was für diagnostik für FELs benutzt wird. die können shot to shot intensity messen ( intensity monitors)
- geant4 anschaun
- wie mach Femtomax dosimetry oder ist das alles electron strahl basiert?
- timeline in EN notwendig? ja natürlich
The gray (symbol: Gy) is the unit of ionizing radiation dose in the International System of Units (SI), defined as the absorption of one joule of radiation energy per kilogram of matter.[1]
- welche alternativen ausschreibungen: zB. ERC starting grant nächstes Jahr im Herbst
- welche bestätigungen braucht es vom KIT und wie lange dauern die?
- lern mehr über recombination factor in ionization chambers
Indeed, ion
recombination effects occurring at these regimes require large corrections for charge collection
efficiency resulting in a large measurement uncertainty
(weird question can we use synchrotron light? from a bend of the electron transfer line, at least relative calibration? fast optical diode?)
- dosimetry by x-ray?
- how expensive are the detectors, eg water phantom?
- stefan funkner kann helfen??
-- FLUTE 1pC to 3nC compared to 200nC in PTB linac (both up to 50MeV -FLUTE only 41MeV)
but PTB linac 2.5us long pulse! and Flute bunchlength 1-300fs (factor 10.000???)
- CLEAR (CERN pluse train (multiple bunches) up to 11nC and 100ns duration (approx 5Gy/pulse))
Fragen an Anke
- auskoppeln electronen Flute fenster mit 20um ava fenster. bei 5 MeV
- Flute bunch trains possible
- kalle parameter (energie und charge)
- zeitplan cstart
- zeitplan antrag mit bestätigungen vom KIT
Oli jäckel
NPL kaloeimeter
konkurenz aber high energy
in neuen verbunch mit dkfz und heidelberg
als lösung für EN, können bescheinigen dass am uni klinikum (stellvertredeten j debus klinik chef hat gesagt) (mit)angesiedelt um promotions uni problem zu umgehen

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@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
The present advances in accelerator based RT, like FLASH RT or micro beam RT,
lead to operation parameters of the accelerator that can not anymore be described
by simple linear optics and beam dynamics. Instead, the consideration of nonlinear
and complex optics as well as beam dynamics influenced by collective effects becomes
necessary due to the development towards higher charge and energy combined with shorter
pulse lengths and transverse modulations.
my experience in longitudinal as well as transverse collective effects and instabilities
influencing the electron bunch shape in all dimensions....
at rings but focus on single bunch effects can be transferred to linac..
simulations as well as experimental studies...
also diagnostics, used electron-beam based as well as synchrotron-radiation based and improved and developed further diagnostic methods ...
Much data analysis... and investigating new phenomena occuring in extrem operation modes...
bridge gap between accelerator science and medical physics
study from accelerator point of view all the beam dynamics effects relevant in the generation
of such beams as well as the diagnostic to reliably deliver the predicted conditions.
Furthermore, extent the simulations of the beam dynamics beyond the end of the accelerator
all the way into the target, by including the transport in air and water/matter.
This will allow the prediction of the temporal and spacial shape (shape and length) of
the radiation/electron pulse not only at the exit of the accelerator but also at any diagnostic
on the way and finally also at the target inside the patient.
beam-matter interaction have been described in the past by covariance matrices...(based on e.g. scattering angles(?)...)
which was applied e.g. for thin foils in the beam path.
This can be applied for calculating the impact of the beam-matter interaction
on the beam properties during the transport all the way to the target.
the feasibility and the accuracy of predicting the beam properties on target is improved.
In case, the spacial structuring of the beam on target is relevant,
it is important to know how the spacial distribution changes along the way from generation to the target.
With simulations including the beam-matter interaction as well as collective effects within the beam
On top of this, calculations of the collective effects occurring within the high intensity beam
can be added using established(?) algorithms/predictions/theoretical descriptions usually applied
to beam dynamics calculations within the accelerator.
The hope is that, by extending the calculation of these effects beyond the accelerator
this can not only be predicted but already considered during the generation.
Ideally, this would allow the generation of a spacial distribution which preemptively compensates for the expected changes.
TEST with experiment and iteratively improve testing impact and relevance of different effects
(for example space charge, MORE effects?) in general and depending on the beam properties (energy, charge, custom(?) temporal and spacial pattern)
in simulations as well as crosscheck with measurements
TODO: rewrite with more focus on the FLASH und less on microbeams, but more as second schwerpunkt
- shows electron beam through mask, but beamlets combine again after some 10 mmm. what if e beam directly micro structured, infestigate how this would propagate through accelerator and later through air, water and matter
Dose-Volume Effect, where the tolerance of normal tissue to radiation
damage increases dramatically as the radiation field size decreases, ???
develop predictions/simulations as well as select correct diagnostics
test both with measurements
flash, short pulses but how short when arriving
micro-structured beams
spacial light modulator -> structuring possible but what arrives at target due to scattering and space charge effects (between beamlets)?!!
pulse charakteristik bunch strukture, mikro beams
probleme auch pulse längen messung nicht nur charge
tests possible at different energies
flute as rf-based accelerator and maybe ATHENA as laser based accelerator as (preliminary) source of short electron pulses
THz/x-ray from KARA?
these studies will define an optimal set...
these studies will provide simulation tools(?)/simulations for ...(pulse customarily shaped in space and time) ( transport through accelerator to target supported by specialized(?) diagnostics)
the research aims to greatly extend/improve/....
have been developed and ready to be adapted.
will be investigated as required
pave the way towards....
beam modalities
an unmet challenge

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\title[Proposal]{\Large{Proposal for young research group}}
\author[Miriam Brosi ]{Miriam Brosi}
\begin{frame}{Status quo}%{Ausgangslage}
\item radio therapy is an important tool in cancer therapy
\item continuous development towards improved tolerability and increase of the therapeutic window
\item two promising developments in recent years:
\item encouraging results with very short, high dose beams (FLASH RT)
\item recent further development of spatially fractionated RT towards Microbeam Radiation Therapy (MRT)
\item both show improved sparing of healthy tissue and reduction of secondary cancer also increasingly important due to increase in overall life expectancy
\item both are dependent on the use of particle accelerator facilities
\item for FLASH: to achieve the required intensity in short pulses, e.g. linear accelerators for electron RT
\item for MRT: in case of x-ray beams, a high brilliant synchrotron light sources are required to provide sufficiently parallel propagating micro beams
\item very high requirements on stability and metrology of the used beams
% 1. Stand der Forschung und eigene Vorarbeiten
% Legen Sie bei Neuanträgen den Stand der Forschung bitte knapp und präzise in seiner
% unmittelbaren Beziehung zum konkreten Vorhaben dar. In dieser Darstellung sollte deutlich werden, wo Sie Ihre eigenen Arbeiten eingeordnet sehen und zu welchen der anstehenden Fragen Sie einen eigenen, neuen und weiterführenden Beitrag leisten wollen.
% Der aktuelle Stand der eigenen Vorarbeiten ist zu benennen. Die Darstellung muss ohne Hinzuziehen weiterer Literatur verständlich sein.
% Bei Fortsetzungsanträgen berichten Sie bitte über Ihre bisherige Arbeit. Auch dieser Bericht muss ohne Hinzuziehen weiterer Literatur verständlich sein.
\begin{frame}{Motivation for the research group}
The present advances in accelerator based RT, like FLASH RT or micro beam RT,
lead to operation parameters of the used accelerators that can not anymore be described by simple linear optics and beam dynamics. Instead, due to the development towards higher intensity combined with shorter pulse lengths and transverse modulations, the consideration of nonlinear and complex optics as well as beam dynamics influenced by collective effects becomes necessary.\\
Helping to bridging this gap between accelerator science and medical physics from the accelerator side is an important step and will help in paving the way towards the application of...
% aims to greatly improve the applicability of these RT methods in the future.
% \begin{frame}{Ziele und Arbeitsprogramm}
% % 2.1 Voraussichtliche Gesamtdauer des Projekts
% % 2.2 Ziele
% % 2.3 Arbeitsprogramm inkl. vorgesehener Untersuchungsmethoden
% % 2.4 Umgang mit Forschungsdaten
% % 2.5 Relevanz von Geschlecht und/oder Vielfältigkeit
% % 3. Projekt- und themenbezogenes Literaturverzeichnis
% \end{frame}
\item improve metrology by improving understanding of dynamic in short and/or spatially structured radiation therapy beams
\item based on existing simulations for beam dynamics and beam-matter interaction provide simulations of the dynamics of RT beams start to end, from inside the accelerator through the air into the target
\item experimental studies to iteratively check and improve the simulations
\begin{frame}{Existing infrastructure and knowledge (1)}
\item ATP
\item HEIKA
\item new KIT Center Health Technologies
\item possible Cluster of Excellence AccelerateRT
\item FLUTE electron linear accelerator as electron source up to 40MeV and ultra short pulses down to femtoseconds
\item virtual diagnostic, spatial light modulator, ...
\item KARA storage ring as synchrotron light source for x-ray (and also THz ?)
\item extensive diagnostics
\item in the planing, CSTART innovative non-equilibrium storage ring will provide the possibility to study dynamics of changing pulse lengths
\item laser based source also coming
\begin{frame}{Existing infrastructure and knowledge (2)}
\item experience in longitudinal as well as transverse collective effects and instabilities influencing the electron bunch shape in all dimensions....over all investigating phenomena occurring under extreme operation modes, e.g. high charge, small transverse bunch-size, short bunch-length, sub-structures
\item on rings but focus on single bunch effects transferrable to linac..
\item simulations in non-linear optics and beam dynamics, collective effects
\item experimental studies...
\item diagnostics, used electron-beam based as well as synchrotron-radiation based and improved and developed further diagnostic methods ...
\item Much data analysis...
\item start with simulations on the 3D charge distribution expected at the exit of the linear accelerator
\item followed by simulation of the beam dynamics for this charge distribution on its trajectory to the target
\item based on existing simulation tools and models
\item based on existing beam-matter interaction descriptions
\item in parallel experimental studies of the 3D charge distribution at the accelerator exit based on starting distribution
\item experimental studies of the propagation of 3D charge distribution through air and/or water
% \begin{frame}[t]{Simulated energy spread - 2nd fill}
% %
% % \vspace{-0.45cm}
% % geometric impedance + resistive wall (with and without NEG)
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% \textxy{9}{5.5}{\parbox{1\textwidth}{imag}}
% \end{frame}

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Emmy Noether Group,
Early career researchers in all disciplines, normally up to 4 years after completion of the doctorate
"Sie können einen Antrag in der Regel nur innerhalb eines Zeitraumes von bis zu vier
Jahren nach der Promotion stellen."
PROBLEM Rückkehr an den Ort der Promotion
Da das Programm die frühe wissenschaftliche Selbständigkeit der Nachwuchswissen-
schaftler und Nachwuchswissenschaftlerinnen zum Ziel hat, soll die Nachwuchsgruppe
grundsätzlich nicht an der Hochschule angesiedelt werden, an der Sie promoviert haben.
Möchten Sie sich dennoch dort ansiedeln, ist hierfür eine besondere Begründung not-
Aufnehmende Institution
Sie dürfen eine oder mehrere aufnehmende Institutionen als Standort der Nachwuchs-
gruppe angeben. Eine endgültige Entscheidung müssen Sie innerhalb von zwei Monaten
nach einer Bewilligung treffen. Für die Wahl jeder einzelnen aufnehmenden Institution
bedarf es einer konkreten Begründung und einer Erklärung der aufnehmenden Institution
(folgender Punkt).
Combined with Collaborative Research Centres
Helmholtz Young Investigator Group,
The outstanding researchers are two to six of academic age
letztes Jahr (call 1.dez, deadline 28.april) aber geht über interne HelmholtzZentrum auswahl
??Recruitment of external talents. The Helmholtz Young Investigator Groups program is
a recruiting instrument with a strong emphasis to gain external talents for Helmholtz. For
internal candidates, exceptions can only be made for outstanding researchers who are
employed at a Helmholtz Center for less than one year.?? (what about being away for some time?)
?? HZ expected to provide co-funding with an equivalent of
150,000 Euros minimum
ERC Starting Grant
These grants are for researchers with 2-7 years of experience since the completion of their PhD, a scientific track record showing great promise and an excellent research proposal.
expected to be launched in July 2023 and to close in October 2023
National contact point (Hilfe, correctur lesen, interview training...)
Carl-Zeiss-Stiftung: „Nexus“ Förderprogramm interdisziplinärer Post Doc-Gruppen
!!Der Abschluss der Promotion liegt nicht länger als vier Jahre zurück (Stichtag ist die
Antragsfrist für die Einreichung der Projektskizze).
letzte ausschreibung frist Projektskizze war 14.10.22 (veröffentlichung 1.september) ( mit thema Bezug zu einem oder mehreren der Schwerpunktthemen „Künstliche Intelligenz“, „RessourcenEffizienz“ oder „Life Science Technologies“ haben.
Voraussetzung ist, dass das Forschungsvorhaben an der Schnittstelle zwischen zwei oder mehreren Disziplinen der Fachbereiche Mathematik, Informatik, Naturwissenschaft und Technik angesiedelt ist.
Frauen habilitationsstelle (eigene stelle)
letztes mal ausgeschrieben 1.juni 2020 (deadline 30.september2020)
geht über universität, aber finde nix dazu beim kit
Post doc grants
humboldt-research-fellowship bis 4 Jahre nach dr (postdocs) oder 12 (experienced researcher)
projekt grants
Eliteprogramm für Postdocs (BaWü)
stelle muss von uni bezahlt werden. bis 3 Jahre laufzeit (vorauswahl über uni)
Individual Research Grants DFG
The Einstein Foundation Award
for Promoting Quality in Research - early career
professorinnenprogramm 2030

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@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
- flash = high dose rights per pusle (and short bursts) -> similar to high single bunch currents (special dynamcis which I studied)
-> metrological challenges -> I know.
coming from beam diagnostics?
- precise current measurement with BCTs /ICT/ACCT.
(weird question can we use synchrotron light? from a bend of the electron transfer line, at least relative calibration? fast optical diode?)
KIT advantages
laser based sources -> one is coming.
- could we couple out electron bunches at c-start? at different times after injection -> different bunch length, so could do can of effect of bunch length?
- the virtual diagnostic for flute (indicates that good knowledge of accelerator) could be helpful to adjust machine settings according to measured radiation doses or similar?
- flute not high charge but kurze pulse! grenze für kurze pulse in dosimetry pushen?
- neugebackenes Zentrum HealthTechnologies
- flash is all about particle beams right?, so low alpha at 2.5GeV does not help even so it might provide short x ray pulses? -> also x-ray flash (x-ray energy conventional therapy >=6MeV, but only 100keV at ESRF s41571-022-00697-z-1_overview_FLASH_therapy.pdf, KARA kritische Energy bei 2.5GeV nur 6.2keV, vlt bis 50keV etwas fluss?)
- can we use electron pulses from flute or is only light possible?
- what where the electron energies for flash, does flute/c-start fit?
- when is cstart build?
- how high is VHEE radiotherapy? (very high energy electron) ( earlier below 50MeV, proposed up to 200MeV?)
In the framework of the European Metrology Programme for Innovation and Research (EMPIR),
the project “Metrology for advanced radiotherapy using particle beams with ultra-high pulse dose rates
(UHDpulse)” has started in September 2019 until 2023, also funded by European Unions Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme
pulsed diagnostics and dosimetry on particle accelerators towards flash/radiation therapy applications?
grenze für kurze pulse in dosimetry pushen?
TODO: microbeams only x-ray? only at 3rd generation lightsources as parallel beam with low emittance necessary??? (see ESRF -> KARA???
What about not generating with mask but with structured electron beam
can electrons be used in MRT (microbeam radiotherapy)?
pulse charakteristik bunch strukture, mikro beams
probleme auch pulse längen messung nicht nur charge
räumliches pattern wichtig (mikrobeams) als weiterer schwerpunkt zu flash (was nur kurz sagt)
spacial light modulator aber space ladung effecte
vorher messen und dann was passiert wenn durch wasser durch
Simulations code erweitern wenn sie durch wasser durch fliegen
Später als perspektive helium ion, kurzpulse dosimetrie bei ionen heidelberg.
-Anke altes paper blei (beta)funktionen tracken bis fenster und weiter
kovarianz matrizen für transport außerhalb vakuum, fluka für interaktion (streuprozesse)
beamlets beeinflussen sich gegenseitig,
wurde schon angewand bei MICE and am CERN
Muss wisse dass ich weis was ich machen will, und überzeugen dass ich das handwerkzeug habe.
Was brauch ich für kompetenzen.
Simulaten als auch Experimentaler, 2phd und 1 postdoc + masteranden
eigene arbeitspackete aber auch lehr und admin tätigkeiten.
lehrveranstalung muss vorher absprechen
gemeinsamer studiengang mit kit und heidelberg und etechnik und medizin
Für geld, doktorand in ingenieur bekommen 100%
hinweise dass mikro beams rolle spielen in strahlen terapie
verträglicher machen /schonender
nicht erforscht, wie pattern sind, also flexibilität welche!
wie bekomme ich die in geweben, den weg simulieren, wie erzeugen, spaciallight modulator
wie testen, und messen
welche pattern dann von medicine vorgegebe, bereit sind für alles
mit detektor menschen wie husemann, strahlenhart, detector test mit mehrern pixel auf einmal als spin off!
im material, scattering,
hohe space charge, weil mikro bunches,
hohe energie
für verschieden energien machen (5 und 50MeV)
oder plasma mit energy spread, schlechtere qualität
bei ionen vlt mit maske, sonst wirds schwer
kooperations partner aufführen, heidelberg, kit (Healthtech)
konzept mit ein paar punkten auf folie dann mit anke und später mit anderen leuten wie medizinern diskutieren.....