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6b40e95d55 dump 2024-04-12 20:04:11 +02:00
a1979a58f8 dump 2024-04-10 21:18:48 +02:00
7 changed files with 589 additions and 549 deletions

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@ -51,16 +51,21 @@ Are people at HH Centers biased as their centrum potentially also submits candid
/- contact person(s)? in terms of Agreement
Dr Deepa Angal-Kalinin (Clara)
Edda Gschwendtner (CERN) aber die machen auch FLASH nun
Edda Gschwendtner (CERN) die machen jedoch auch FLASH RT Studien in ihrer Gruppe
Prof. Dr. A. Jankowiak (HZB, HU Berlin)
Dr. Markus Ries (Bessy)
Prof. Dr. Thorsten Kamps (HZB, HU Berlin)
Prof. Dr. Carsten P. Welsch (Liverpool)
Associate Professor Dr. Francesca Curbis (Lund University)
Associate Professor Dr. Francesca Curbis (Lund University, MAX IV) (supervising current bachelor student together)
Prof. Dr. Sverker Werin (Lund University, MAX IV)
Dr. Riccardo Bartolini (DESY)
Dr. Ties Behnke (Desy)
Prof. Dr. Richard Walker (Diamond)
Dr. Liu Lin, Head of Division in the Accelerator Division, at Laboratorio Nacional de Luz Sincrotron (Sirius)
Dr. Riccardo Bartolini (DESY)
Prof. Dr. Florian Grüner (Universität Hamburg (UHH))
Prof. Dr. Thorsten Kamps (HZB, HU Berlin)
?Prof. Dr. Wim Leemans (Desy, Uni Hamburg)
?Dr. Montse Pont (Cells Alba)
?Dr. Christelle Bruni (IJCLab?, Université Paris-Saclay), potentielle Konkurrenz?
?Prof. Dr. Andrea Denker (HZB, is Professor of "Accelerator Physics for Medicine",
berliner profs

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@ -1,49 +1,87 @@
\@writefile{lof}{\contentsline {figure}{\numberline {1}{\ignorespaces Areas to be influenced by\\ collective effects.}}{1}{}\protected@file@percent }
\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {1}Research Goals and Expected Outcomes?}{2}{}\protected@file@percent }
\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {2}Relation to Helmholtz Mission and Programme?}{3}{}\protected@file@percent }
\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {3}Relation to Research Programme of IBPT and KIT?}{3}{}\protected@file@percent }
\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {4}Current Status of Research?/State of the art and preliminary work?}{4}{}\protected@file@percent }
\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {4.1}State of the art: radiotherapy}{4}{}\protected@file@percent }
\@writefile{lof}{\contentsline {figure}{\numberline {1}{\ignorespaces Sketch of the therapeutic window increasing as normal tissue complication probability (NTCP) is shifted to higher dose for FLASH RT and tumor control probability (TCP) remains.}}{5}{}\protected@file@percent }
\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {4}Current Status of Research?/State of the art and preliminary work?}{5}{}\protected@file@percent }
\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {4.1}State of the art: radiotherapy}{5}{}\protected@file@percent }
\@writefile{lof}{\contentsline {figure}{\numberline {2}{\ignorespaces Sketch of the therapeutic window increasing as normal tissue complication probability (NTCP) is shifted to higher dose for FLASH RT and tumor control probability (TCP) remains.}}{5}{}\protected@file@percent }
\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {4.2}State of the art: accelerators and collective effects}{6}{}\protected@file@percent }
\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {4.3}Open questions and challenges? not here???}{7}{}\protected@file@percent }
\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {4.3}Open questions and challenges? not here???}{7}{}\protected@file@percent }
\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {4.4}Previous relevant work on beam dynamics, collective effects and diagnostics by Dr. Brosi}{7}{}\protected@file@percent }
\@writefile{lof}{\contentsline {figure}{\numberline {2}{\ignorespaces Measurement (left) and simulation (right) of the longitudinal bunch profile on the vertical axis and the temporal evolution on the horizontal axis.}}{8}{}\protected@file@percent }
\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {4.4}Previous relevant work on beam dynamics, collective effects and diagnostics by Dr. Brosi}{8}{}\protected@file@percent }
\@writefile{lof}{\contentsline {figure}{\numberline {3}{\ignorespaces Measurement (left) and simulation (right) of the longitudinal bunch profile on the vertical axis and the temporal evolution on the horizontal axis.}}{8}{}\protected@file@percent }
\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {5}Work Packages?}{10}{}\protected@file@percent }
\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {5.1}WP A}{10}{}\protected@file@percent }
\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {5.2}WP B}{11}{}\protected@file@percent }
\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {5.3}WP C}{11}{}\protected@file@percent }
\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {6}Work Plan?}{12}{}\protected@file@percent }
\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {6.1}Time plan}{12}{}\protected@file@percent }
\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {6.2}Group structure}{12}{}\protected@file@percent }
\@writefile{lof}{\contentsline {figure}{\numberline {3}{\ignorespaces Time plan showing the individual work packages color-coded by responsible team member as well as the time frame of each team members within the project in the lower part.}}{13}{}\protected@file@percent }
\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {6.3}Existing scientific equipment and infrastructure}{14}{}\protected@file@percent }
\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {6.4}Handling of research data/Research data plan}{14}{}\protected@file@percent }
\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {6.5}Financial plan}{16}{}\protected@file@percent }
\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsubsection}{\numberline {6.5.1}Personnel costs}{16}{}\protected@file@percent }
\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsubsection}{\numberline {6.5.2}Material costs}{17}{}\protected@file@percent }
\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsubsection}{\numberline {6.5.3}Travel costs}{17}{}\protected@file@percent }
\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {7}Cooperation and communication plan?}{18}{}\protected@file@percent }
\@writefile{lof}{\contentsline {figure}{\numberline {4}{\ignorespaces Sketch of evolution of short particle distribution along the accelerator.}}{12}{}\protected@file@percent }
\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {5.2}WP B}{12}{}\protected@file@percent }
\@writefile{lof}{\contentsline {figure}{\numberline {5}{\ignorespaces Sketch of multiple types of diagnostic tools along the linac and dosimetric measurement outside.}}{13}{}\protected@file@percent }
\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {5.3}WP C}{13}{}\protected@file@percent }
\@writefile{lof}{\contentsline {figure}{\numberline {6}{\ignorespaces Sketch of the inverse problem to be solved to achieve custom particle distributions on target.}}{14}{}\protected@file@percent }
\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {6}Work Plan?}{14}{}\protected@file@percent }
\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {6.1}Time plan}{14}{}\protected@file@percent }
\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {6.2}Group structure}{14}{}\protected@file@percent }
\@writefile{lof}{\contentsline {figure}{\numberline {7}{\ignorespaces Time plan showing the individual work packages color-coded by responsible team member as well as the time frame of each team members within the project in the lower part.}}{15}{}\protected@file@percent }
\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {6.3}Existing scientific equipment and infrastructure}{16}{}\protected@file@percent }
\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {6.4}Handling of research data/Research data plan}{16}{}\protected@file@percent }
\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {6.5}Financial plan}{18}{}\protected@file@percent }
\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsubsection}{\numberline {6.5.1}Personnel costs}{18}{}\protected@file@percent }
\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsubsection}{\numberline {6.5.2}Material costs}{19}{}\protected@file@percent }
\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsubsection}{\numberline {6.5.3}Travel costs}{19}{}\protected@file@percent }
\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {7}Cooperation and communication plan?}{20}{}\protected@file@percent }
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@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
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\fancyfoot[L]{\vspace{-0.5cm}\center\color{gray}\fontsize{9pt}{9pt}\selectfont\nouppercase{HIG: Beam Dynamics and Collective Effects in the Generation and Propagation of Structured Beams for\\ Advanced Accelerator-based Radiotherapy}}
{\fontsize{16}{16}\selectfont \centering Dr. Miriam Brosi\\\vspace{0.15cm}
@ -91,6 +95,14 @@
Particle accelerators nowadays play a vital role in a multitude of scientific fields. They have become highly complex over time and with them the field of accelerator physics. New developments are continuously pushing the understanding and the technological limits towards increasingly extreme beam properties. In electron accelerators, this includes ultra-short pulses at high intensities in linear accelerators or free electron lasers as well as transversely narrow pulses for ultra-low emittance synchrotron light sources. The extensive research conducted today aims for a deep understanding of the involved beam dynamics occurring in these extreme beam conditions and the required diagnostics. The extreme conditions lead to strong effects caused by the coexistence of many particles in the densely populated pulses. This is summarized under the term collective effects. They describe self-interaction of particles within the beam as well as the interaction with the environment, both of which are dependent on the detailed particle distribution. The study of collective effects is an active research topic and has been the main focus of my research in the last years.
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\caption{Areas to be influenced by\\ collective effects.}\label{wrap-fig:1}
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At the same time, the current development of two advanced approaches in accelerator-based radiotherapy (RT) pushes in the same direction of high intensity beams with temporal or spatial structuring. FLASH RT is based on the delivery of very high doses in short pulses and Microbeam RT focuses on spatially fractionated beams. In both methods, a significant widening of the therapeutic window is observed. The resulting normal tissue sparing effect is expected to improve treatment outcomes and reduce overall toxicity for the patients resulting in a better quality of life after treatment. The beam properties used for FLASH and Microbeam RT go beyond the prediction and beam diagnostic capabilities in conventional RT. One difficulty is the increasing non-linearity in the response of usual dosimetry methods at high dose-rates. The increased requirements on dosimetry as well as on the overall diagnostics and simulation of the beam dynamics in the accelerators used for beam generation open up new challenges and possibilities. At the same time, the extreme beam properties in the novel radiotherapy methods require to push the understanding of the involved complex beam dynamics and collective effects in this active and exiting research field.
The proposed project therefore aims at improving the understanding, predictability and control of the accelerator-based electron beams involved in FLASH and Microbeam RT. The entry point will be to extend the research on collective effects in accelerators to cover the beam properties required for FLASH and Microbeam RT, profiting from my expertise in this field. Subsequently, this project will expand the study beyond the particle accelerator into the beam-matter interaction up to the target tissue. The influence of collective effects during the transport from the accelerator through matter onto the target, which up until now was sparsely studied, will be explored in detail. Based on these studies, the effective relation of input particle distribution to the dose distribution on target will be explored. This enables, the attempt to solve the inverse problem, i.e. determining the required input distribution for a desired dose distribution on target. First tests of targeted beam shaping will be a part of this project. With this kind of control, the outcome of the project will be a significant contribution to FLASH and Microbeam RT as well as to the general advancement of accelerator physics.
@ -105,13 +117,17 @@ The extreme pulse properties in FLASH and Microbeam RT lead to several open ques
The main goal of the proposed project is to provide a fast and comprehensive assessment of radiotherapy beam properties and the resulting deposited dose on target as well as improved control thereof. Due to the high flexibility of electron research accelerators and the possibilities of beam shaping at beam generation, this project primarily focuses on electron based beams, with the possibility for transfer later on to heavier particles, contributing to the active research conducted on FLASH and Microbeams RT.
The following four objectives are selected:\\
I. Increased predictability of RT beam properties on target by development of start-to-end simulation including collective effects\\
II. Improved insight into the influence of temporal or spatial pulse modulation on detection and diagnostics to provide recommendations for applicable methods depending on beam parameters \\
III. Exploring the possibilities and defining the physical limitations of accelerator-based pulse shaping and modulation\\
IV. Investigating methods and algorithms solving the inverse problem, i.e. calculating the required initial beam distribution from a desired beam shape on target (based on I. - III.)\\
The following four objectives are selected:
\item[I.] Increased predictability of RT beam properties on target by development of start-to-end simulation including collective effects
\item[II.] Improved insight into the influence of temporal or spatial pulse modulation on detection and diagnostics to provide recommendations for applicable methods depending on beam parameters
\item[III.] Exploring the possibilities and defining the physical limitations of accelerator-based pulse shaping and modulation
\item[IV.] Investigating methods and algorithms solving the inverse problem, i.e. calculating the required initial beam distribution from a desired beam shape on target (based on I. - III.)
These objectives will be achieved by investigating the influence of collective effects on the beam generation, beam transport, beam-matter interaction and diagnostics in novel electron radiotherapy methods with temporally and spatially structured beams. Therefore, different interactions of beam particles with one another, described as collective effects, will be considered and incorporated into theoretical calculations and simulations of the transport of the particle beam from start-to-end, not only within the accelerator but also extended to the transport through matter (e.g., air or water) (objective I.). Furthermore, systematic studies on the dependence of different detection mechanisms and diagnostic tools on temporal and spatial pulse shapes combined with varying intensity will give insight into which diagnostic tools are suitable to aid in reliably delivering the desired conditions (objective II.). The investigation on the possibility to modulate the beam in the accelerator will pursue and compare different methods which will provide different temporal and spacial modulations. It will also entail studies on which modulations can be achieved on the final target when taking the transport through matter into consideration (objective III.). Employing the improved and extended simulation (from the first objective) to predict the resulting distribution on the target, might allow to consider the effects of the beam transport already during the generation of the beam. And if successful, this could enable the generation of a temporal and spatial particle distribution which preemptively compensates for the deformation expected during the propagation of the particle distribution from generation to the target. As a result, it would become possible to generate (within certain parameter limits) user-definable final particle distributions on the target (objective IV.).
These objectives will be achieved by investigating the influence of collective effects on the beam generation, beam transport, beam-matter interaction and diagnostics in novel electron radiotherapy methods with temporally and spatially structured beams. Therefore, different interactions of beam-particles with one another, described as collective effects, will be considered and incorporated into theoretical calculations and simulations of the transport of the particle beam from start-to-end, not only within the accelerator but also extended to the transport through matter (e.g., air or water) (objective I.). Furthermore, systematic studies on the dependence of different detection mechanisms and diagnostic tools on temporal and spatial pulse shapes combined with varying intensity will give insight into which diagnostic tools are suitable to aid in reliably delivering the desired conditions (objective II.). The investigation on the possibility to modulate the beam in the accelerator will pursue and compare different methods which will provide different temporal and spacial modulations. It will also entail studies on which modulations can be achieved on the final target when taking the transport through matter into consideration (objective III.). Employing the improved and extended simulation (from the first objective) to predict the resulting distribution on the target, might allow to consider the effects of the beam transport already during the generation of the beam. And if successful, this could enable the generation of a temporal and spatial particle distribution which preemptively compensates for the deformation expected during the propagation of the particle distribution from generation to the target. As a result, it would become possible to generate (within certain parameter limits) user-definable final particle distributions on the target (objective IV.).
\color{red}Check that ``EFFECT ON DISTRIBUTION IS INVESTIGATED AS THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT'' is added\color{black}
\section{Relation to Helmholtz Mission and Programme?}
@ -167,13 +183,16 @@ In general, research accelerators cover a wide variety of different use-cases an
In a continuous effort, research accelerators are characterized to a higher and higher degree with regards to a wide variety of effects including complex contributions to the beam dynamics such as collective effects. In general, the dynamics of accelerated particles is influenced by fields of different origin. External magnetic fields are applied for guiding and focusing the particle beams as well as external electromagnetic fields which are used for the basic acceleration itself but also for fast deflection in the context of diagnostics or for shaping the longitudinal charge distribution by so-called higher harmonic cavities resulting in complex shapes of the electromagnetic potentials. These dynamic boundary conditions lead to complex, non-linear dynamics of the accelerated particles. On top of this, self-generated electromagnetic fields act back on the particles and on the surrounding material. These self-interactions and interactions with the environment depend on the number and distribution of the particles within a bunch and are therefore often referred to as collective effects [17].
Each charged particle is surrounded by its electromagnetic field. The field interacts with all nearby materials such as a vacuum chamber, matter it passes through and also neighboring particles within the same bunch. These interactions can result in a force acting back on the charged particle leading to a change in movement direction or energy. The effective resistance that the charged particle experiences due to these interactions are described with frequency dependent impedances. Furthermore, in the same way one particle affects all neighboring particles, each particle is affected by the superposition of the fields of all other particles within the bunch. The resulting fields are referred to as wake fields and depend directly on the distribution of the charged particles in a bunch as well as on beam energy and the material properties of the surrounding structures. Both quantities are connected, as the impedance $Z$ multiplied by the Fourier-transform of the charge distribution $\tilde{\rho}$ equals the Fourier-transform of the wake field $V$ [17]: $ V\left(t\right) = \int_{-\infty}^{\infty} \tilde{\rho}\left(f\right) Z\left(f\right) e^{i2\pi ft} \mathrm{d} f $ This equation also directly shows, that depending on the shape and length of the particle distribution, the overlap in frequency with the impedance changes and therefore affects the resulting strength of the self-generated electromagnetic field.
Each charged particle is surrounded by its electromagnetic field. The field interacts with all nearby materials such as a vacuum chamber, matter it passes through and also neighboring particles within the same bunch. These interactions can result in a force acting back on the charged particle leading to a change in movement direction or energy. The effective resistance that the charged particle experiences due to these interactions are described with frequency dependent impedances. Furthermore, in the same way one particle affects all neighboring particles, each particle is affected by the superposition of the fields of all other particles within the bunch. The resulting fields are referred to as wake fields and depend directly on the distribution of the charged particles in a bunch as well as on beam energy and the material properties of the surrounding structures. Both quantities are connected, as the impedance $Z$ multiplied by the Fourier-transform of the charge distribution $\tilde{\rho}$ equals the Fourier-transform of the wake field $V$ [17]:
$$ V\left(t\right) = \int_{-\infty}^{\infty} \tilde{\rho}\left(f\right) Z\left(f\right) e^{i2\pi ft} \mathrm{d} f $$
This equation also directly shows, that depending on the shape and length of the particle distribution, the overlap in frequency with the impedance changes and therefore affects the resulting strength of the self-generated electromagnetic field.
Collective effects cause various issues in accelerator beam dynamics, such as emittance growth, energy loss, beam instabilities, overall degradation of performance and deformation of the temporal and spatial shape of the particle bunch. The mitigation and control of these effects is an ongoing topic in accelerator physics and advanced models and algorithms are developed to predict the influence of collective effects on the particle beams throughout the entire system.
Collective effects have not been considered in the past in conventional accelerator-based RT due to the rather long pulses and therefore low momentary intensity and dose-rates. Furthermore, they are typically not included in calculations of the beam transport through matter often based on Monte Carlo or particle tracking. Common simulation tools include FLUKA, EGSnrc, BDSIM or the KiT-RT (Kinetic Transport for radiation therapy) framework designed for easy extendibility [18]. The inclusion of collective effects into the beam-matter interaction calculations is going to be an important topic within this project. Examples of collective effects with potential relevance for RT beams include space charge wake fields [19], coherent synchrotron radiation (CSR) [20] and resistive-wall wake fields [21] and are present in both circular and linear accelerators. The presence of these effects leads to instabilities like intra-beam scattering, the transverse mode-coupling instability [22], micro-wave instability [21] and the micro-bunching instability [23], all of which I have studied in electron storage rings in the past, as described in the following.
\subsection{Open questions and challenges? not here???}
Some of the aforementioned most pressing questions and challenges for accelerator-based FLASH RT and Microbeam RT are listed below:
\item With the FLASH effect not yet fully understood, the optimal dose and dose-rate parameters are still to be determined.
@ -183,6 +202,9 @@ Some of the aforementioned most pressing questions and challenges for accelerato
\item The production of structured beams for Microbeam RT poses a challenge.
In general, a sound understanding of the effects involved in the dynamics of temporally and spatially structured RT beams is required for the generation, the propagation as well as the detection of the resulting high dose-rate pulses. Identifying the contributing collective effects and shedding more light onto their deforming influence is therefore crucial to accurately predict the particle-, and therefore, dose-distribution on target.
\subsection{Previous relevant work on beam dynamics, collective effects and diagnostics by Dr. Brosi}
@ -205,11 +227,14 @@ My experience with the development of the fast readout system [28] as well as th
The extensive research conducted in the field of accelerator physics today aims for a deep understanding of the involved beam dynamics and collective effects especially in beams under extreme conditions, like short bunch lengths or high intensities and the diagnostics thereof. At the same time, with RT moving to beams with high temporal or spatial structuring for novel methods including FLASH RT or MRT, this research becomes more and more relevant, laying out the program for the proposed project.
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\section{Work Packages?}
To achieve the objectives, the work program is structured in the following work packages A-C:\\\vspace{0.5cm}
To achieve the objectives, the work program is structured in the following work packages A-C: \\%\vspace{0.8cm}
\def\arraystretch{1.5}% 1 is the default, change whatever you need
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@ -246,14 +271,100 @@ To achieve the objectives, the work program is structured in the following work
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\subsection{WP A}
As new, advanced radiotherapy modalities rely on high intensity, short or spatially structured particle beams, the influence of interactions between the beam particles will be increased compared to conventional radiotherapy. Work package A will study the influence of these collective effects on the beam in the accelerator as well as on the beam transport through matter onto the irradiation target. Sub-work package A1 will focus on the resulting beam dynamics during the beam generation in the accelerator by, firstly, conducting a case study of the influence of collective effects during the beam generation for FLASH and Microbeam RT in proposed, dedicated accelerators (WP A1.1). Established accelerator simulation tools, such as ASTRA, AT or Ocelot will be studied as each includes a different set of collective effects. WP A1.2 will use the linear accelerator FLUTE at KIT as a testbed and compare measurements and simulations of different beam parameters resembling the desired RT beam properties. The second sub-work package (WP A2) will focus on the influence of the extreme beam properties (high intensity, temporally and spatially structured) on the beam-matter interaction on the way from the accelerator to the target tissue inside the patient. In WP A2.1 the existing models and simulation tools used in beam transport trough matter will be reviewed and in WP A2.2 simulations with a variety of possible beam properties generated by FLUTE will be conducted with codes commonly employed in radiotherapy settings, like BDSIM (Geant4), EGSnrc, FLUKA and the new KiT-RT framework. WP A2.3 will investigate, in the context of beam-matter interaction, how different possible interactions between the beam particles themselves affect the passage through matter. To this end, collective effects known from accelerator physics, such as space charge, intra-beam scattering, transition or coherent synchrotron radiation effects and ion- or electron cloud effects (depending on the beam particle type) are evaluated and their relevance depending on beam properties estimated. As next step, in WP A3, the effects will be incorporated into the calculations for the beam transport through matter and combined with simulations of the dynamics in the accelerator to create a start-to-end simulation tool. Multiple options on how the different simulations and calculations are to be combined will be evaluated, in order to find the best implementation method for beam propagation simulation through the accelerator and matter interactions not only for single particles but also taking into account collective effects. Possible methods include Monte Carlo simulations, particle tracking, phase-space density propagation by solving the Vlasov-Fokker-Planck equation and the application of covariance matrices. The successful completion of WP A will deliver objective I.
As new, advanced radiotherapy modalities rely on high intensity, short and/or spatially structured particle beams, the influence of interactions between the beam-particles is significantly increased compared to conventional radiotherapy. Work package A will study the influence of these collective effects on the beam in the accelerator as well as during the beam transport through matter onto the irradiation target. The focus will be on the influence the collective effects have on the spatial and temporal particle distribution within the beam, and therefore how the distribution on the target is affected, which is an important parameter in radiotherapy.
Sub-work package A1 will focus on the beam dynamics during the beam generation in the accelerator.
As first step (WP A1.1), a case study will be conducted. The influence of collective effects during the generation of beams for FLASH and Microbeam RT based on accelerator parameters of proposed accelerator designs for dedicated FLASH accelerators, e.g. \cite{faillace_perspectives_2022}, will be simulated. A combination of established accelerator simulation tools, such as ASTRA, AT or Ocelot will be employed as each includes different implementations of different sets of collective effects.
WP A1.2 will use the linear accelerator FLUTE~\cite{FLUTE} at KIT as a testbed and compare measurements and simulations of different beam parameters resembling the desired radiotherapy beam properties. To this end, multiple different available operation modes in a wide parameter range will be evaluated to find a set of suitable conditions. Similar to WP A1.1, simulations of the beam dynamics will be conducted to understand and quantify the influence of of collective effects on the beam properties. Experimental measurements can be conducted with the existing, extensive accelerator diagnostic tools at FLUTE. The experimental measurements will overlap with the planned test in WP B1.1 on the applicability of accelerator diagnostics for these extreme beam properties.
The second sub-work package (WP A2) will focus on the influence of the extreme beam properties (high intensity, temporally and spatially structured) on the beam-matter interaction on the way from the accelerator to the target tissue inside the patient.
In WP A2.1 existing models and simulation tools used in beam transport through matter calculations will be reviewed in detail to gain an overview of the effects typically considered, such as elastic and inelastic scattering, or bremsstrahlung. Based on preliminary research, it is expected that in most cases, purely the interaction of individual beam-particles with matter is considered \color{red} and the influence of neighboring beam-particles is neglected/not considered. \color{black}
In WP A2.2 corresponding simulations for a variety of possible beam properties generated at FLUTE will be conducted to evaluate the influence of the different interaction types. To this end, codes commonly employed in the radiotherapy and accelerator context will be used, such as BDSIM (based on Geant4)~\cite{nevay_bdsim_2020}, EGSnrc~\cite{kawrakow_egsnrc_2001}, FLUKA~\cite{battistoni_fluka_2016} and the new KiT-RT framework~\cite{kusch_kit-rt_2022}. % FLUKA [20], EGSnrc [21], BDSIM [22] or the KiT-RT (Kinetic Transport for radiation therapy) framework designed for easy extendibility [23].
WP A2.3 will investigate, in the context of beam-matter interaction, how the close presence of neighboring beam-particles and different possible interactions between the beam-particles themselves affect the passage through matter. To this end, collective effects known from accelerator physics, such as space charge, intra-beam scattering, transition or coherent synchrotron radiation effects and ion- or electron cloud effects (depending on the beam-particle type) are evaluated and their relevance depending on the chosen beam properties is estimated.
As next step (WP A3), the found effects will be incorporated into the calculations for the beam transport through matter and combined with simulations of the dynamics in the accelerator to create a start-to-end simulation.
Multiple options on how the different simulations and calculations are to be combined will be evaluated. The goal is to find the best implementation method for beam propagation simulation through the accelerator and matter interactions not only for single particles but also taking into account collective effects.
Possible methods, based on my experience in simulating collective effects in accelerators, include Monte Carlo simulations, particle tracking, phase-space density propagation by solving the Vlasov-Fokker-Planck equation, which originates from plasma physics, and the application of covariance matrices. for these methods, the influence of the surrounding beam-particles is often described as electro-magnetic fields, referred to as wake-fields and as impedances.
As outcome of this work package a start-to-end simulation tool will be developed, which includes the consideration of collective effects in the accelerator as well as on the transport through matter to the target.
The successful completion of WP A will increase the predictability of the beam properties at the target and thereby deliver objective I.
\includegraphics[trim=0mm 0mm 0mm 0mm, clip,width=0.95\textwidth]{plots/linac_tissue_long_axis.png}
\caption{Sketch of evolution of short particle distribution along the accelerator.}
\subsection{WP B}
The extreme beam properties not only affect the beam propagation but also increase the complexity of applicable detection mechanisms and diagnostic tools. WP B1 will focus on accelerator-based beam diagnostic, such as fast beam current transformers, beam position monitors, fluorescence screens and more complex systems such as electro-optical bunch profile monitors [32], synchrotron or transition radiation monitors among others, with regards to their suitability for and ability to detect high intensity, temporally and spatially structured particle bunches with a high accuracy. Experimental tests are planed in WP B1.1 and will be compared with simulations from WP A1.2. This will give input for the assessment in WP B1.2 on the potential of different diagnostic methods as support for RT beam diagnostics with shot to shot capabilities and the required adequate resolution and stability for medical applications. Work package B2 will focus on the effect the high dose rate generated by short beam pulses has on the dosimetry detectors. In WP B2.1, the ultra-short electron pulses from FLUTE and the ultra-short photon pulses generated at the KIT synchrotron light source with the electron storage ring KARA can be used for experimental tests of different dosimetry methods and their dependence on beam properties such as pulse length, intensity, transverse size and energy. As starting point an advanced Markus chamber and the newly-developed flash-diamond detector [8] will be tested towards the dependence on pulse length. Based on these measurements, also the recent developments of improved theoretical dosimetry correction factors for ion-recombination [7] can be validated with the ultra-short pulses (WP B2.2). And work package B2.3 will investigate possibilities for measuring a 2-dimensional dose distribution. For tests of the spatial resolution, the electron beam at FLUTE could be modulated, for example, by using collimators or potentially a mask at the accelerator exit. Furthermore, to measure the 2-dimensional particle distribution, typical accelerator diagnostics such as fluorescence screens for profile monitors will be assess for application outside the accelerator vacuum in WP B3 as preparation for WP C. In this context also detector test of new detector types under development at KIT, for example radiation hard CMOS-pixel detectors [33], could be incorporated as well as tests at facilities with proton or ion beams (e.g., HIT in Heidelberg or the GSI in Darmstadt). Completing WP B successfully will achieve objective II.
The extreme temporal and spatial beam properties not only affect the beam propagation but also increase the complexity of applicable detection mechanisms and diagnostic tools. WP B will systematically investigate how the performance and accuracy of different detection mechanisms and diagnostic tools depend on the temporal and spatial pulse shapes of the particle beams in FLASH and Microbeam RT.
WP B1 will focus on accelerator-based beam diagnostic. Different diagnostic tools, such as fast beam current transformers, beam position monitors, fluorescence screens and more complex systems such as electro-optical bunch profile monitors [32], synchrotron or transition radiation monitors among others, will be tested with regards to their suitability for and their ability to detect high intensity, temporally and spatially structured particle bunches with a high accuracy. Experimental measurements are planed in WP B1.1 and will be compared with simulations from WP A1.2. The measurements will give input for the assessment conducted in WP B1.2 to report on the potential of different diagnostic methods as support for RT beam diagnostics with the required adequate resolution and stability for medical applications. An additional focus will be in shot-to-shot capabilities of the diagnostic methods. Given the high dose per pulse in both advanced RT methods, the number of administered doses will be significantly smaller than in conventional RT. To still assure the application of the correct absolut dose, information on the individual pulses from shot-to-shot capable diagnostics would provide an significant advantage. % \color{red} WHY shot to shot now more relevant\color{black}
Work package B2 will focus on the effect the high dose rate, generated by the short pulses, has on dosimetry detectors. Experiments at other facilities have shown an increasingly non-linear detection efficiency for dose rates above 2\,Gy per pulse [5], resulting in deviations between expected and detected dose.
In WP B2.1, the ultra-short electron pulses generated in FLUTE and the ultra-short photon pulses generated at the KIT synchrotron light source with the electron storage ring KARA will be used for experimental tests of different dosimetry methods.
The dependence on beam properties such as pulse length, intensity, transverse size, and energy will be evaluated.
As starting point an advanced Markus chamber and the newly-developed flash-diamond detector, by PTW in Freiburg [8], will be tested towards their dependence on pulse length.
Based on these measurements, also the recent developments of improved theoretical dosimetry correction factors for ion-recombination [7] can be validated using the ultra-short pulses at FLUTE (WP B2.2).
Work package B2.3 will then investigate possibilities for measuring the 2-dimensional dose distribution.
For testing the spatial resolution, the electron beam at FLUTE could be modulated in a first step by using for example collimators or potentially a mask at the accelerator exit.
As additional diagnostic of the 2-dimensional particle distribution after the accelerator, in WP B3 will assess typical accelerator-based diagnostic tools such as fluorescence screens for profile monitors for the application outside the accelerator vacuum as preparation for WP C. In this context, also detector tests of new detector systems under development at KIT, for example radiation hard CMOS-pixel detectors [33], could be incorporated and tests at facilities with proton or ion beams (e.g., HIT in Heidelberg or the GSI in Darmstadt) could be conducted to extend the gained insights to other types of particles.
Completing WP B successfully will provide the experimental diagnostic setups required in WP C. At the same time, objective II will be achieved so that a recommendation can be given on diagnostic methods applicable for FLASH and Microbeam RT beams.
%Improved insight into the influence of temporal or spatial pulse modulation on detection and diagnostics to provide recommendations for applicable methods depending on beam parameters
\includegraphics[trim=0mm 0mm 0mm 0mm, clip,width=0.95\textwidth]{plots/linac_diagnostics2.png}
\caption{Sketch of multiple types of diagnostic tools along the linac and dosimetric measurement outside.}
\subsection{WP C}
This work package aims to understand the physical and theoretical limits of accelerator-based beam modulation and shaping for the application in radiotherapy. The first step (WP C1) will be to explore different methods for temporal and spatial manipulation of the beam shape. This will be based, firstly, on simulations exploring a variety of options for different possible accelerator types operating as RT sources (WP C1.1). One general option would be, for example, to employ the accelerator focusing magnets to modify the bunch shape, by over-focusing the beam at the accelerator exit. Secondly, in WP C1.2, the possibility on modulations of the source distribution, will be experimentally tested by modulating the gun laser spot on the electron-gun with the spatial light modulator set-up a FLUTE [16]. The second step (WP C2) includes then the investigation of the evolution of the modulated bunch shape during the transport through the accelerator and through matter on to the target. The investigation of the bunch shape evolution will consist of simulations (WP C2.1) based on the results in work package A, which can then be compared with experimental measurements in WP C2.2, using the diagnostics tested in WP B. Upon finishing WP C1+C2, we can attain objective III.
WP C3 and C4, will then investigate how and to what extend it is possible to generate a custom particle distribution and thereby a custom dose distribution on target tissue. To this end, WP C3, will examine possible methods and algorithms for calculating, based on a desired final distributions, the required, corresponding initial particle distribution in the accelerator. As this work will build on the work from work package A3, especially on the designed start-to-end simulation, the optimal methods will likely depend on the algorithm chosen in WP A3. Several possible methods can be imagined, ranging from systematically mapping final distributions for a wide variety of initial distributions resulting in a type of catalog, over the analytical or numerical inversion of the transport matrix described in form of covariance matrices, up to employing machine learning algorithms trained on arbitrary bunch shapes propagated through the start-to-end simulation. When this connection between the final and the initial distribution is established, it can be combined with the beam modulation methods established in WP C1. WP C4.1 will, as a first step, employ this to compensate the effect the beam transport has on the pulse shape by considering these deformations already during the beam generation. And in WP C4.2 the capability of this method will be tested and the limits in the achievable distributions on target will be explored. With this, the last objective (IV.) will be achieved.
This work package aims to understand the physical and theoretical limits of accelerator-based beam modulation and shaping for the application in radiotherapy.
The first step (WP C1) will be to explore different methods for temporal and spatial manipulation of the beam shape and understand their limitations.
This will be based, firstly, on simulations exploring a variety of options for different possible accelerator types operating as RT sources (WP C1.1).
One general option could be, for example, to employ the accelerator focusing magnets to modify the bunch shape, by over- or under-focusing the beam at the accelerator exit.
Secondly, in WP C1.2, different possibilities and limitations will be experimentally tested at FLUTE.
This will include testing the option found in simulations in WP C1.1 as well as a method which sets-on even before the accelerator by directly generating a custom, initial charge-distribution.
This is achieved by modulating the gun-laser spot on the electron-gun with a spatial light modulator set-up [16].
The spatial-light modulator allows the modulation of the spatial as well as the temporal shape of the laser pulse used to generate electrons on the photo-cathode of the electron gun.
It operates by locally modulating the phase of the reflected laser pulse according to a pre-calculated hologram based on the targeted pulse shape and is currently being implemented at FLUTE [16].
The second step (WP C2) focuses on the investigation of the evolution of the initial modulated bunch shape during the transport through the accelerator and through matter on to the target.
The investigation of the bunch shape evolution will consist of simulations (WP C2.1) based on the start-to-end simulation from work package A.
The results will then be compared with experimental measurements in WP C2.2 employing the accelerator diagnostics and dosimetry detectors tested in WP B.
The particle distribution will be measured at different positions along the accelerator as well as outside the accelerator after the passage through matter to make deformations and changes visible. These measurements will, furthermore, provide additional insight on which type of modulations can best be transported while maintaining the modulation.
\color{red}Upon finishing WP C1+C2, the possibilities and physical limitations of pulse modulation and shaping will be clarified and with this objective III is attained.\color{black}
The next step, it then to investigate how and to what extend it is possible to generate a custom particle distribution and thereby a custom dose distribution on the target.
To this end, WP C3, will examine possible methods and algorithms for calculating, based on a desired final distributions, the required, corresponding initial particle distribution in the accelerator.
The goal can be also formulated as finding a solution to the inverse problem compared to the beam transport simulations conducted to predict the particle distribution on the target in earlier work packages.
As this will build strongly on the results from work package A3, especially on the designed start-to-end simulation, the optimal methods will likely depend on the algorithm chosen in WP A3.
Several possible methods come to mind, ranging from systematically mapping final distributions for a wide variety of initial distributions resulting in a type of catalog, over the analytical or numerical inversion of the transport matrix described in form of covariance matrices, up to employing machine learning algorithms trained on arbitrary bunch shapes propagated through the start-to-end simulation.
As final step (WP C4), when this connection between the final and the initial distribution is established, it will be combined with the beam modulation methods established in WP C1. Test will be contacted in simulations as well as experimentally at FLUTE.
WP C4.1 will, as first step, employ the final method to compensate the effect the beam transport has on the pulse shape by considering any expected deformations already during the beam generation.
And in WP C4.2, as final step, the capability of the method obtained in WP A3 will be tested to generate arbitrary, custom distributions on target and the limits in the achievable distributions will be explored.
With this, a strong control over the particle and therefore dose distribution on the target will be achieved and the last objective (IV.) is fulfilled.
\color{red} ADD WHAT THIS HELPS FOR THE ACCELERATOR PHYSIC IN GENERAL; here and/or at the objectives in the beginning? or does it go into the helmholtz and kit part???
\includegraphics[trim=0mm 0mm 0mm 0mm, clip,width=0.95\textwidth]{plots/linac_inverse.png}
\caption{Sketch of the inverse problem to be solved to achieve custom particle distributions on target.}
\section{Work Plan?}
@ -355,13 +466,13 @@ Group members will be provided with the possibility to learn the usage of techno
\subsection{Financial plan}
The following section is a more detailed description of the financial plan the table in Annex 7.
The following section is a more detailed description of the financial plan given in the table in Annex 2.
\subsubsection{Personnel costs}
The personnel costs follow the DFG personnel rates from 2024. An annual rise of 3\% is included starting already from the first year, to adjust for the potential starting date laying in 2025.
To lead the proposed project, the funding for the position as junior research group leader is requested for the whole project duration of 5 years. The position will be filled by the applicant, Dr. Miriam Brosi.
To lead the proposed project, the funding for the position as junior research group leader is requested for the whole project duration of 5 years. The position will be filled by me, Dr. Miriam Brosi.
% Personnel Cost Category
% EUR / year (as of 2024)
% EUR / Sum (6 years)*
@ -370,9 +481,9 @@ To lead the proposed project, the funding for the position as junior research gr
% 648135
% *An annual rise of 3\% in personnel costs has been included.
% 5.2.1 Funding for Staff
For the proposed work program the funding for two doctoral students, two postdoctoral researchers, and several student workers is included.
The first doctoral student will be employed for three years on a 75\% position and is planned to start shortly after the project start, latest after half a year (1-6 month after project start). The PhD thesis will be on the topic of: Experimental study of the influence of advanced radiotherapy beam properties such as short bunch length, charge, energy and transverse size on accelerator beam dynamics, diagnostics and detected dose. The candidate should have some experience in experimental work, including setting up and handling sensitive diagnostic hardware. This topic offers a round work package suited to result in a PhD thesis. It offers opportunities for the student to shape and combine different tasks according to their own vision to deliver the independent research results required for a dissertation, while still receiving the required guidance.

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@ -1,23 +1,23 @@
\contentsline {section}{\numberline {1}Research Goals and Expected Outcomes?}{2}{}%
\contentsline {section}{\numberline {2}Relation to Helmholtz Mission and Programme?}{3}{}%
\contentsline {section}{\numberline {3}Relation to Research Programme of IBPT and KIT?}{3}{}%
\contentsline {section}{\numberline {4}Current Status of Research?/State of the art and preliminary work?}{4}{}%
\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {4.1}State of the art: radiotherapy}{4}{}%
\contentsline {section}{\numberline {4}Current Status of Research?/State of the art and preliminary work?}{5}{}%
\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {4.1}State of the art: radiotherapy}{5}{}%
\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {4.2}State of the art: accelerators and collective effects}{6}{}%
\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {4.3}Open questions and challenges? not here???}{7}{}%
\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {4.4}Previous relevant work on beam dynamics, collective effects and diagnostics by Dr. Brosi}{7}{}%
\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {4.4}Previous relevant work on beam dynamics, collective effects and diagnostics by Dr. Brosi}{8}{}%
\contentsline {section}{\numberline {5}Work Packages?}{10}{}%
\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {5.1}WP A}{10}{}%
\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {5.2}WP B}{11}{}%
\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {5.3}WP C}{11}{}%
\contentsline {section}{\numberline {6}Work Plan?}{12}{}%
\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {6.1}Time plan}{12}{}%
\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {6.2}Group structure}{12}{}%
\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {6.3}Existing scientific equipment and infrastructure}{14}{}%
\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {6.4}Handling of research data/Research data plan}{14}{}%
\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {6.5}Financial plan}{16}{}%
\contentsline {subsubsection}{\numberline {6.5.1}Personnel costs}{16}{}%
\contentsline {subsubsection}{\numberline {6.5.2}Material costs}{17}{}%
\contentsline {subsubsection}{\numberline {6.5.3}Travel costs}{17}{}%
\contentsline {section}{\numberline {7}Cooperation and communication plan?}{18}{}%
\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {5.2}WP B}{12}{}%
\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {5.3}WP C}{13}{}%
\contentsline {section}{\numberline {6}Work Plan?}{14}{}%
\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {6.1}Time plan}{14}{}%
\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {6.2}Group structure}{14}{}%
\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {6.3}Existing scientific equipment and infrastructure}{16}{}%
\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {6.4}Handling of research data/Research data plan}{16}{}%
\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {6.5}Financial plan}{18}{}%
\contentsline {subsubsection}{\numberline {6.5.1}Personnel costs}{18}{}%
\contentsline {subsubsection}{\numberline {6.5.2}Material costs}{19}{}%
\contentsline {subsubsection}{\numberline {6.5.3}Travel costs}{19}{}%
\contentsline {section}{\numberline {7}Cooperation and communication plan?}{20}{}%
\providecommand \tocbasic@end@toc@file {}\tocbasic@end@toc@file