@article{amstutz_microbunching_2022, title = {Microbunching {{Studies}} for the {{FLASH2020}}+ {{Upgrade Using}} a {{Semi-Lagrangian Vlasov Solver}}}, author = {Amstutz, Philipp and Vogt, Mathias}, year = {2022}, journal = {Proceedings of the 13th International Particle Accelerator Conference}, volume = {IPAC2022}, pages = {4 pages, 3.351 MB}, publisher = {JACoW Publishing, Geneva, Switzerland}, issn = {2673-5490}, doi = {10.18429/JACOW-IPAC2022-WEPOMS037}, urldate = {2024-01-20}, abstract = {Precise understanding of the microbunching instability is mandatory for the successful implementation of a compression strategy for advanced FEL operation modes such as the EEHG seeding scheme, which a key ingredient of the FLASH2020+ upgrade project. Simulating these effects using particle-tracking codes can be quite computationally intensive as an increasingly large number of particles is needed to adequately capture the dynamics occurring at small length scales and reduce artifacts from numerical shot-noise. For design studies as well as dedicated analysis of the microbunching instability semi-Lagrangian codes can have desirable advantages over particle-tracking codes, in particular due to their inherently reduced noise levels. However, rectangular high-resolution grids easily become computationally expensive. To this end we developed SelaV{$_1$}D, a one dimensional semi-Lagrangian Vlasov solver, which employs tree-based domain decomposition to allow for the simulation of entire exotic phase-space densities as they occur at FELs. In this contribution we present results of microbunching studies conducted for the FLASH2020+ upgrade using SelaV{$_1$}D.}, collaborator = {Frank (Ed.), Zimmermann and Hitoshi (Ed.), Tanaka and Porntip (Ed.), Sudmuang and Prapong (Ed.), Klysubun and Prapaiwan (Ed.), Sunwong and Thakonwat (Ed.), Chanwattana and Christine (Ed.), Petit-Jean-Genaz and R.W. (Ed.), Volker, Schaa}, copyright = {Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International}, isbn = {9783954502271}, langid = {english}, keywords = {Accelerator Physics,MC5: Beam Dynamics and EM Fields} } @article{apollonio_improved_2022, title = {Improved {{Emittance}} and {{Brightness}} for the {{MAX IV}} 3 {{GeV Storage Ring}}}, author = {Apollonio, Marco and Andersson, {\AA}ke and Brosi, Miriam and Lindvall, Robert and Olsson, David and Sj{\"o}str{\"o}m, Magnus and Sv{\"a}rd, Robin and Tavares, Pedro}, year = {2022}, journal = {Proceedings of the 13th International Particle Accelerator Conference}, volume = {IPAC2022}, pages = {4 pages, 2.876 MB}, publisher = {JACoW Publishing, Geneva, Switzerland}, issn = {2673-5490}, doi = {10.18429/JACOW-IPAC2022-MOPOPT023}, urldate = {2024-01-20}, abstract = {At MAX IV Laboratory, the Swedish Synchrotron Radiation (SR) facility, the largest of two rings operates at 3 GeV with a bare lattice emittance of 330 pm rad. Upgrade plans are under consideration aiming at a gradual reduction of the emittance, in three stages: a short-term with an emittance reduction of 20\% to 40\%, a mid-term with an emittance reduction of more than 50\% and a long-term with an emittance in the range of the diffraction limit for hard X-rays (10 keV). In this paper we focus on the short-term case, resuming previous work on a proposed lattice that can reach 270 pm rad emittance, with only minor modifications to the gradients of the magnets of the present ring, i.e. without any hardware changes and all within the present power supply limits. Linear lattice characterisation and calculations of key performance parameters, such as dynamic aperture and momentum aperture with errors, are described and compared to the present operating lattice. Experimental tests of injection into this lattice are also shown.}, collaborator = {Frank (Ed.), Zimmermann and Hitoshi (Ed.), Tanaka and Porntip (Ed.), Sudmuang and Prapong (Ed.), Klysubun and Prapaiwan (Ed.), Sunwong and Thakonwat (Ed.), Chanwattana and Christine (Ed.), Petit-Jean-Genaz and R.W. (Ed.), Volker, Schaa}, copyright = {Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International}, isbn = {9783954502271}, langid = {english}, keywords = {Accelerator Physics,MC5: Beam Dynamics and EM Fields} } @article{atkinson_current_2023, title = {The Current Status of {{FLASH}} Particle Therapy: A Systematic Review}, author = {Atkinson, Jake and Bezak, Eva and Le, Hien and Kempson, Ivan}, year = {2023}, month = may, journal = {Physical and Engineering Sciences in Medicine}, volume = {46}, number = {2}, pages = {529--560}, publisher = {{Springer Science and Business Media LLC}}, issn = {2662-4737}, doi = {10.1007/s13246-023-01266-z} } @article{battistoni_fluka_2016, title = {The {{FLUKA Code}}: {{An Accurate Simulation Tool}} for {{Particle Therapy}}}, shorttitle = {The {{FLUKA Code}}}, author = {Battistoni, Giuseppe and Bauer, Julia and Boehlen, Till T. and Cerutti, Francesco and Chin, Mary P. W. and Dos Santos Augusto, Ricardo and Ferrari, Alfredo and Ortega, Pablo G. and Koz{\l}owska, Wioletta and Magro, Giuseppe and Mairani, Andrea and Parodi, Katia and Sala, Paola R. and Schoofs, Philippe and Tessonnier, Thomas and Vlachoudis, Vasilis}, year = {2016}, month = may, journal = {Frontiers in Oncology}, volume = {6}, issn = {2234-943X}, doi = {10.3389/fonc.2016.00116}, urldate = {2024-01-19}, file = {/home/mirbro/Zotero/storage/HHM2VI4I/Battistoni et al. - 2016 - The FLUKA Code An Accurate Simulation Tool for Pa.pdf} } @article{borras_need_2015, title = {The Need for Radiotherapy in {{Europe}} in 2020: {{Not}} Only Data but Also a Cancer Plan}, author = {Borras, Josep M. and Lievens, Yolande and Grau, Cai}, year = {2015}, month = jul, journal = {Acta Oncologica}, volume = {54}, number = {9}, pages = {1268--1274}, publisher = {Informa UK Limited}, issn = {1651-226X}, doi = {10.3109/0284186X.2015.1062139} } @phdthesis{brosi_-depth_2020, title = {In-{{Depth Analysis}} of the {{Micro-Bunching Characteristics}} in {{Single}} and {{Multi-Bunch Operation}} at {{KARA}}}, author = {Brosi, Miriam}, year = {2020}, doi = {10.5445/IR/1000120018}, langid = {english}, school = {Karlsruher Institut f{\"u}r Technologie (KIT)}, keywords = {main,me,phd,thesis} } @article{brosi_asymmetric_2024, title = {Asymmetric {{Influence}} of the {{Amplitude-Dependent Tune Shift}} on the {{Transverse Mode-Coupling Instability}}}, author = {Brosi, Miriam and Cullinan, Francis and Andersson, {\AA}ke and Breunlin, Jonas and Tavares, Pedro Fernandes}, year = {2024} } @article{brosi_fast_2016, title = {Fast Mapping of Terahertz Bursting Thresholds and Characteristics at Synchrotron Light Sources}, author = {Brosi, Miriam and Steinmann, Johannes L. and Blomley, Edmund and Br{\"u}ndermann, Erik and Caselle, Michele and Hiller, Nicole and Kehrer, Benjamin and Mathis, Yves-Laurent and Nasse, Michael J. and Rota, Lorenzo and Schedler, Manuel and Sch{\"o}nfeldt, Patrik and Schuh, Marcel and Schwarz, Markus and Weber, Marc and M{\"u}ller, Anke-Susanne}, year = {2016}, month = nov, journal = {Phys. Rev. Accel. Beams}, volume = {19}, number = {11}, pages = {110701}, publisher = {American Physical Society}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevAccelBeams.19.110701}, keywords = {main,me} } @article{brosi_online_2015, title = {Online {{Studies}} of {{THz-radiation}} in the {{Bursting Regime}} at {{ANKA}}}, author = {Brosi, Miriam and Caselle, Michele and Hertle, Edmund and Hiller, Nicole and Kopmann, Andreas and M{\"u}ller, Anke-Susanne and Schwarz, Markus and Sch{\"o}nfeldt, Patrik and Steinmann, Johannes and Weber, Marc}, year = {2015}, journal = {Proceedings of the 6th Int. Particle Accelerator Conf.}, volume = {IPAC2015}, pages = {3 pages, 1.047 MB}, publisher = {JACoW, Geneva, Switzerland}, doi = {10.18429/JACOW-IPAC2015-MOPHA042}, urldate = {2024-01-20}, abstract = {The ANKA storage ring of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) operates in the energy range from 0.5 to 2.5 GeV and generates brilliant coherent synchrotron radiation in the THz range with a dedicated bunch length reducing optic. The producing of radiation in the so-called THz-gap is challenging, but this intense THz radiation is very attractive for certain user experiments. The high degree of compression in this so-called low-alpha optics leads to a complex longitudinal dynamics of the electron bunches. The resulting micro-bunching instability leads to time dependent fluctuations and strong bursts in the radiated THz power. The study of these fluctuations in the emitted THz radiation provides insight into the longitudinal beam dynamics. Fast THz detectors combined with KAPTURE, the dedicated KArlsruhe Pulstaking and Ultrafast Readout Electronics system developed at KIT, allow the simultaneous measurement of the radiated THz intensity for each bunch individually in a multi-bunch environment. This contribution gives an overview of the first experience gained using this setup as an online diagnostics tool.}, collaborator = {Stuart (Ed.), Henderson and Evelyn (Ed.), Akers and Todd (Ed.), Satogata and R.W. (Ed.), Volker, Schaa}, copyright = {CC 3.0}, isbn = {9783954501687}, langid = {english}, keywords = {6: Beam Instrumentation Controls Feedback and Operational Aspects,Accelerator Physics} } @inproceedings{brosi_overview_2021, title = {Overview of the {{Micro-Bunching Instability}} in {{Electron Storage Rings}} and {{Evolving Diagnostics}}}, booktitle = {Proc. {{IPAC}}'21}, author = {Brosi, M.}, year = {2021}, month = aug, series = {International {{Particle Accelerator Conference}}}, number = {12}, pages = {3686--3691}, publisher = {JACoW Publishing, Geneva, Switzerland}, issn = {2673-5490}, doi = {10.18429/JACoW-IPAC2021-THXA02}, abstract = {The micro-bunching instability is a longitudinal instability that leads to dynamical deformations of the charge distribution in the longitudinal phase space. It affects the longitudinal charge distribution, and thus the emitted coherent synchrotron radiation spectra, as well as the energy distribution of the electron bunch. Not only the threshold in the bunch current above which the instability occurs, but also the dynamics above the instability threshold strongly depends on machine parameters, e.g., natural bunch length, accelerating voltage, momentum compaction factor, and beam energy. All this makes the understanding and potential mitigation or control of the micro-bunching instability an important topic for the next generation of light sources and circular e{$^+$}/e{$^-$} colliders. This presentation will give a review on the micro-bunching instability and discuss how technological advances in the turn-by-turn and bunch-by-bunch diagnostics are leading to a deeper understanding of this intriguing phenomenon.}, isbn = {978-3-95450-214-1}, langid = {english}, keywords = {bunching,diagnostics,electron,invited,IPAC,main,me,operation,simulation,Talk} } @inproceedings{brosi_synchronous_2019, title = {Synchronous {{Measurements}} of {{Electron Bunches Under}} the {{Influence}} of the {{Microbunching Instability}}}, booktitle = {Proc. {{IPAC}}'19}, author = {Brosi, M. and Boltz, T. and Br{\"u}ndermann, E. and Funkner, S. and Kehrer, B. and M{\"u}ller, A.-S. and Nasse, M. J. and Niehues, G. and Patil, M. M. and Schreiber, P. and Sch{\"o}nfeldt, P. and Steinmann, J. L.}, year = {2019}, month = jun, series = {International {{Particle Accelerator Conference}}}, number = {10}, pages = {3119--3122}, publisher = {JACoW Publishing}, address = {Geneva, Switzerland}, doi = {10.18429/JACoW-IPAC2019-WEPTS015}, isbn = {978-3-95450-208-0}, langid = {english}, keywords = {bunching,IPAC,main,me,radiation,simulation,storage-ring,synchrotron} } @article{brosi_systematic_2019, title = {Systematic Studies of the Microbunching Instability at Very Low Bunch Charges}, author = {Brosi, Miriam and Steinmann, Johannes L. and Blomley, Edmund and Boltz, Tobias and Br{\"u}ndermann, Erik and Gethmann, Julian and Kehrer, Benjamin and Mathis, Yves-Laurent and Papash, Alexander and Schedler, Manuel and Sch{\"o}nfeldt, Patrik and Schreiber, Patrick and Schuh, Marcel and Schwarz, Markus and M{\"u}ller, Anke-Susanne and Caselle, Michele and Rota, Lorenzo and Weber, Marc and Kuske, Peter}, year = {2019}, month = feb, journal = {Phys. Rev. Accel. Beams}, volume = {22}, number = {2}, pages = {020701}, publisher = {American Physical Society}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevAccelBeams.22.020701}, keywords = {main,me} } @inproceedings{brosi_time-resolved_2023, title = {Time-Resolved Measurement and Simulation of a Longitudinal Single-Bunch Instability at the {{MAX IV}} 3 {{GeV}} Ring}, booktitle = {Proc. {{IPAC}}'23}, author = {Brosi, M. and Andersson, A. and Breunlin, J. and Cullinan, F. and Tavares, P.}, year = {2023}, month = may, series = {14th {{International Particle Accelerator Conference}}}, number = {14}, pages = {2642--2645}, publisher = {JACoW Publishing, Geneva, Switzerland}, issn = {2673-5490}, doi = {10.18429/jacow-ipac2023-wepa020}, isbn = {978-3-95450-231-8}, langid = {english}, keywords = {main,me} } @article{caselle_kapture-2_2017, title = {{{KAPTURE-2}}. {{A}} Picosecond Sampling System for Individual {{THz}} Pulses with High Repetition Rate}, author = {Caselle, M. and Perez, L. E. Ardila and Balzer, M. and Kopmann, A. and Rota, L. and Weber, M. and Brosi, M. and Steinmann, J. and Br{\"u}ndermann, E. and M{\"u}ller, A.-S.}, year = {2017}, month = jan, journal = {Journal of Instrumentation}, volume = {12}, number = {01}, pages = {C01040}, publisher = {IOP Publishing}, doi = {10.1088/1748-0221/12/01/c01040}, abstract = {This paper presents a novel data acquisition system for continuous sampling of ultra-short pulses generated by terahertz (THz) detectors. Karlsruhe Pulse Taking Ultra-fast Readout Electronics (KAPTURE) is able to digitize pulse shapes with a sampling time down to 3 ps and pulse repetition rates up to 500 MHz. KAPTURE has been integrated as a permanent diagnostic device at ANKA and is used for investigating the emitted coherent synchrotron radiation in the THz range. A second version of KAPTURE has been developed to improve the performance and flexibility. The new version offers a better sampling accuracy for a pulse repetition rate up to 2 GHz. The higher data rate produced by the sampling system is processed in real-time by a heterogeneous FPGA and GPU architecture operating up to 6.5 GB/s continuously. Results in accelerator physics will be reported and the new design of KAPTURE be discussed.}, keywords = {me} } @book{chao_physics_1993, title = {Physics of Collective Beam Instabilities in High-Energy Accelerators}, author = {Chao, A. W.}, year = {1993}, isbn = {978-0-471-55184-3} } @article{dierlamm_beam_2023, title = {A {{Beam Monitor}} for {{Ion Beam Therapy Based}} on {{HV-CMOS Pixel Detectors}}}, author = {Dierlamm, Alexander and Balzer, Matthias and Ehrler, Felix and Husemann, Ulrich and Koppenh{\"o}fer, Roland and Peri{\'c}, Ivan and Pittermann, Martin and Topko, Bogdan and Weber, Alena and Brons, Stephan and Debus, J{\"u}rgen and Grau, Nicole and Hansmann, Thomas and J{\"a}kel, Oliver and Kl{\"u}ter, Sebastian and Naumann, Jakob}, year = {2023}, month = feb, journal = {Instruments}, volume = {7}, number = {1}, pages = {9}, issn = {2410-390X}, doi = {10.3390/instruments7010009}, urldate = {2024-01-19}, abstract = {Particle therapy is a well established clinical treatment of tumors. More than one hundred particle therapy centers are in operation world-wide. The advantage of using hadrons like protons or carbon ions as particles for tumor irradiation is the distinct peak in the depth-dependent energy deposition, which can be exploited to accurately deposit doses in the tumor cells. To guarantee this, high accuracy in monitoring and control of the particle beam is of the utmost importance. Before the particle beam enters the patient, it traverses a monitoring system which has to give fast feedback to the beam control system on position and dose rate of the beam while minimally interacting with the beam. The multi-wire chambers mostly used as beam position monitors have their limitations when a fast response time is required (drift time). Future developments such as MRI-guided ion beam therapy pose additional challenges for the beam monitoring system, such as tolerance of magnetic fields and acoustic noise (vibrations). Solid-state detectors promise to overcome these limitations and the higher resolution they offer can create additional benefits. This article presents the evaluation of an HV-CMOS detector for beam monitoring, provides results from feasibility studies in a therapeutic beam, and summarizes the concepts towards the final large-scale assembly and readout system.}, langid = {english}, file = {/home/mirbro/Zotero/storage/ZEACX73G/Dierlamm et al. - 2023 - A Beam Monitor for Ion Beam Therapy Based on HV-CM.pdf} } @misc{european_synchrotron_radiation_facility_esrf_nodate, title = {{{ESRF}}: {{Microbeam Radiation Therapy}} ({{MRT}})}, author = {{European Synchrotron Radiation Facility}}, url = {https://www.esrf.fr/home/UsersAndScience/Experiments/CBS/ID17/mrt-1.html} } @article{faillace_perspectives_2022, title = {Perspectives in Linear Accelerator for {{FLASH VHEE}}: {{Study}} of a Compact {{C-band}} System}, author = {Faillace, L. and Alesini, D. and Bisogni, G. and Bosco, F. and Carillo, M. and Cirrone, P. and Cuttone, G. and De Arcangelis, D. and De Gregorio, A. and Di Martino, F. and Favaudon, V. and Ficcadenti, L. and Francescone, D. and Franciosini, G. and Gallo, A. and Heinrich, S. and Migliorati, M. and Mostacci, A. and Palumbo, L. and Patera, V. and Patriarca, A. and Pensavalle, J. and Perondi, F. and Remetti, R. and Sarti, A. and Spataro, B. and Torrisi, G. and Vannozzi, A. and Giuliano, L.}, year = {2022}, month = dec, journal = {Physica Medica}, volume = {104}, pages = {149--159}, publisher = {Elsevier BV}, issn = {1120-1797}, doi = {10.1016/j.ejmp.2022.10.018} } @article{farr_ultrahigh_2022, title = {Ultra-high Dose Rate Radiation Production and Delivery Systems Intended for {{FLASH}}}, author = {Farr, Jonathan and Grilj, Veljko and Malka, Victor and Sudharsan, Srinivasan and Schippers, Marco}, year = {2022}, month = jul, journal = {Medical Physics}, volume = {49}, number = {7}, pages = {4875--4911}, issn = {0094-2405, 2473-4209}, doi = {10.1002/mp.15659}, urldate = {2024-01-20}, abstract = {Abstract Higher dose rates, a trend for radiotherapy machines, can be beneficial in shortening treatment times for radiosurgery and mitigating the effects of motion. Recently, even higher doses (e.g., 100 times greater) have become targeted because of their potential to generate the FLASH effect (FE). We refer to these physical dose rates as ultra-high (UHDR). The complete relationship between UHDR and the FE is unknown. But UHDR systems are needed to explore the relationship further and to deliver clinical UHDR treatments, where indicated. Despite the challenging set of unknowns, the authors seek to make reasonable assumptions to probe how existing and developing technology can address the UHDR conditions needed to provide beam generation capable of producing the FE in preclinical and clinical applications. As a preface, this paper discusses the known and unknown relationships between UHDR and the FE. Based on these, different accelerator and ionizing radiation types are then discussed regarding the relevant UHDR needs. The details of UHDR beam production are discussed for existing and potential future systems such as linacs, cyclotrons, synchrotrons, synchrocyclotrons, and laser accelerators. In addition, various UHDR delivery mechanisms are discussed, along with required developments in beam diagnostics and dose control systems.}, langid = {english}, file = {/home/mirbro/Zotero/storage/Y6BKNBHY/Farr et al. - 2022 - Ultra‐high dose rate radiation production and deli.pdf} } @article{feist_measurement_1989, title = {Measurement of the Total Stopping Power of 5.3 {{MeV}} Electrons in Polystyrene by Means of Electron Beam Absorption in Ferrous Sulphate Solution}, author = {Feist, H. and Muller, U.}, year = {1989}, month = dec, journal = {Physics in Medicine \& Biology}, volume = {34}, number = {12}, pages = {1863}, doi = {10.1088/0031-9155/34/12/009}, abstract = {Describes how an experimental arrangement for the calibration of Fricke solution in terms of absorbed dose to water can be utilised to determine total, i.e. collisional and radiative, mass stopping power of high-energy electrons. As a first result the measurement of the total mass stopping power of polystyrene at about 5.3 MeV kinetic electron energy is presented in detail. Comparison of the obtained value with the corresponding result of recent theoretical computations shows agreement within the measurement uncertainty of about 1.2\% (SD).} } @article{fuchs_plasma-based_2024, title = {Plasma-Based Particle Sources}, author = {Fuchs, M. and Andonian, G. and Apsimon, O. and B{\"u}scher, M. and Downer, M.C. and Filippetto, D. and Lehrach, A. and Schroeder, C.B. and Shadwick, B.A. and Thomas, A.G.R. and {Vafaei-Najafabadi}, N. and Xia, G.}, year = {2024}, month = jan, journal = {Journal of Instrumentation}, volume = {19}, number = {01}, pages = {T01004}, issn = {1748-0221}, doi = {10.1088/1748-0221/19/01/T01004}, urldate = {2024-01-20}, abstract = {Abstract High-brightness particle beams generated by advanced accelerator concepts have the potential to become an essential part of future accelerator technology. In particular, high-gradient accelerators can generate and rapidly accelerate particle beams to relativistic energies. The rapid acceleration and strong confining fields can minimize irreversible detrimental effects to the beam brightness that occur at low beam energies, such as emittance growth or pulse elongation caused by space charge forces. Due to the high accelerating gradients, these novel accelerators are also significantly more compact than conventional technology. Advanced accelerators can be extremely variable and are capable of generating particle beams with vastly different properties using the same driver and setup with only modest changes to the interaction parameters. So far, efforts have mainly been focused on the generation of electron beams, but there are concepts to extend the sources to generate spin-polarized electron beams or positron beams. The beam parameters of these particle sources are largely determined by the injection and subsequent acceleration processes. Although, over the last decade there has been significant progress, the sources are still lacking a sufficiently high 6-dimensional (D) phase-space density that includes small transverse emittance, small energy spread and high charge, and operation at high repetition rate. This is required for future particle colliders with a sufficiently high luminosity or for more near-term applications, such as enabling the operation of free-electron lasers (FELs) in the X-ray regime. Major research and development efforts are required to address these limitations in order to realize these approaches for a front-end injector for a future collider or next-generation light sources. In particular, this includes methods to control and manipulate the phase-space and spin degrees-of-freedom of ultrashort plasma-based electron bunches with high accuracy, and methods that increase efficiency and repetition rate. These efforts also include the development of high-resolution diagnostics, such as full 6D phase-space measurements, beam polarimetry and high-fidelity simulation tools. A further increase in beam luminosity can be achieve through emittance damping. Emittance cooling via the emission of synchrotron radiation using current technology requires kilometer-scale damping rings. For future colliders, the damping rings might be replaced by a substantially more compact plasma-based approach. Here, plasma wigglers with significantly stronger magnetic fields are used instead of permanent-magnet based wigglers to achieve similar damping performance but over a two orders of magnitude reduced length.}, file = {/home/mirbro/Zotero/storage/BCQ9PG45/Fuchs et al. - 2024 - Plasma-based particle sources.pdf} } @article{fukunaga_brief_2021, title = {A {{Brief Overview}} of the {{Preclinical}} and {{Clinical Radiobiology}} of {{Microbeam Radiotherapy}}}, author = {Fukunaga, H. and Butterworth, K.T. and McMahon, S.J. and Prise, K.M.}, year = {2021}, month = nov, journal = {Clinical Oncology}, volume = {33}, number = {11}, pages = {705--712}, issn = {09366555}, doi = {10.1016/j.clon.2021.08.011}, urldate = {2024-01-17}, langid = {english}, file = {/home/mirbro/Zotero/storage/BWNX9T8U/Fukunaga et al. - 2021 - A Brief Overview of the Preclinical and Clinical R.pdf} } @article{fukunaga_brief_2021-1, title = {A {{Brief Overview}} of the {{Preclinical}} and {{Clinical Radiobiology}} of {{Microbeam Radiotherapy}}}, author = {Fukunaga, H. and Butterworth, K.T. and McMahon, S.J. and Prise, K.M.}, year = {2021}, month = nov, journal = {Clinical Oncology}, volume = {33}, number = {11}, pages = {705--712}, publisher = {Elsevier BV}, issn = {0936-6555}, doi = {10.1016/j.clon.2021.08.011} } @inproceedings{gamelin_mbtrack2_2021, title = {Mbtrack2, a {{Collective Effect Library}} in {{Python}}}, booktitle = {Proc. {{IPAC}}'21}, author = {Gamelin, A. and Foosang, W. and Nagaoka, R.}, year = {2021}, month = aug, series = {International {{Particle Accelerator Conference}}}, number = {12}, pages = {282--285}, publisher = {JACoW Publishing, Geneva, Switzerland}, issn = {2673-5490}, doi = {10.18429/JACoW-IPAC2021-MOPAB070}, abstract = {This article introduces mbtrack2, a collective effect library written in python3. The idea behind mbtrack2 is to build a coherent object-oriented framework to work on collective effects in synchrotrons. mbtrack2 is composed of different modules allowing to easily write scripts for single bunch or multi-bunch tracking using MPI parallelization in a transparent way. The base of the tracking model of mbtrack2 is inspired by mbtrack, a C multi-bunch tracking code initially developed at SOLEIL*. In addition, many tools to prepare or analyse tracking simulations are included.}, isbn = {978-3-95450-214-1}, langid = {english}, keywords = {cavity,collective-effects,impedance,simulation,synchrotron} } @article{girst_improved_2015, title = {Improved Normal Tissue Protection by Proton and {{X-ray}} Microchannels Compared to Homogeneous Field Irradiation}, author = {Girst, S. and Marx, C. and {Br{\"a}uer-Krisch}, E. and Bravin, A. and Bartzsch, S. and Oelfke, U. and Greubel, C. and Reindl, J. and Siebenwirth, C. and Zlobinskaya, O. and Multhoff, G. and Dollinger, G. and Schmid, T.E. and Wilkens, J.J.}, year = {2015}, month = sep, journal = {Physica Medica}, volume = {31}, number = {6}, pages = {615--620}, issn = {11201797}, doi = {10.1016/j.ejmp.2015.04.004}, urldate = {2024-01-17}, langid = {english}, file = {/home/mirbro/Zotero/storage/X6WAWSEF/Girst et al. - 2015 - Improved normal tissue protection by proton and X-.pdf} } @incollection{kawrakow_egsnrc_2001, title = {The {{EGSnrc System}}, a {{Status Report}}}, booktitle = {Advanced {{Monte Carlo}} for {{Radiation Physics}}, {{Particle Transport Simulation}} and {{Applications}}}, author = {Kawrakow, I. and Rogers, D. W. O.}, year = {2001}, pages = {135--140}, publisher = {Springer Berlin Heidelberg}, address = {Berlin, Heidelberg}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-642-18211-2_23}, urldate = {2024-01-19}, isbn = {978-3-642-62113-0 978-3-642-18211-2}, langid = {english} } @phdthesis{konradsson_radiotherapy_2023, title = {Radiotherapy in a {{FLASH}}: {{Towards}} Clinical Translation of Ultra-High Dose Rate Electron Therapy}, author = {Konradsson, Elise}, year = {2023}, school = {Lund University} } @article{kranzer_response_2022, title = {Response of Diamond Detectors in Ultra-High Dose-per-Pulse Electron Beams for Dosimetry at {{FLASH}} Radiotherapy}, author = {Kranzer, R and Sch{\"u}ller, A and Bourgouin, A and Hackel, T and Poppinga, D and Lapp, M and Looe, H K and Poppe, B}, year = {2022}, month = apr, journal = {Physics in Medicine \& Biology}, volume = {67}, number = {7}, pages = {075002}, issn = {0031-9155, 1361-6560}, doi = {10.1088/1361-6560/ac594e}, urldate = {2024-01-17}, abstract = {Abstract Objective. With increasing investigation of the so-called FLASH effect, the need for accurate real time dosimetry for ultra-high dose rates is also growing. Considering the ultra-high dose-per-pulse (DPP) necessary to produce the ultra-high dose rates for investigations of the FLASH effect, real time dosimetry is a major challenge. In particular, vented ionization chambers, as used for dosimetry in conventional radiotherapy, show significant deviations from linearity with increasing DPP. This is due to recombination losses in the sensitive air volume. Solid state detectors could be an alternative. Due to their good stability of the response with regard to the accumulated dose, diamond detectors such as the microDiamond could be suitable here. The aims of this work are to investigate the response of microDiamond and adapted microDiamond prototypes in ultra-high DPP electron beams, to understand the underlying effects and to draw conclusions for further detector developments. Approach. For the study, an electron beam with a DPP up to 6.5 Gy and a pulse duration of 2.5 {$\mu$} s was used to fulfill the conditions under which the FLASH effect was observed. As a dose rate-independent reference, alanine dosimeters were used. Main Results. It has been shown that the commercially available microDiamond detectors have limitations in terms of linearity at ultra-high DPP. But this is not an intrinsic limitation of the detector principle. The deviations from linearity were correlated with the series resistance and the sensitivity. It could be shown that the linear range can be extended towards ultra-high DPP range by reducing the sensitivity in combination with a low series resistance of the detectors. Significance. The work shows that synthetic single crystal diamond detectors working as Schottky photodiodes are in principle suitable for FLASH-RT dosimetry at electron linear accelerators.}, file = {/home/mirbro/Zotero/storage/6FICWXHL/Kranzer et al. - 2022 - Response of diamond detectors in ultra-high dose-p.pdf} } @article{kranzer_response_2022-1, title = {Response of Diamond Detectors in Ultra-High Dose-per-Pulse Electron Beams for Dosimetry at {{FLASH}} Radiotherapy}, author = {Kranzer, R and Sch{\"u}ller, A and Bourgouin, A and Hackel, T and Poppinga, D and Lapp, M and Looe, H K and Poppe, B}, year = {2022}, month = mar, journal = {Physics in Medicine \& Biology}, volume = {67}, number = {7}, pages = {075002}, publisher = {IOP Publishing}, issn = {1361-6560}, doi = {10.1088/1361-6560/ac594e} } @article{kudchadker_electron_2002, title = {Electron Conformal Radiotherapy Using Bolus and Intensity Modulation}, author = {Kudchadker, Rajat J and Hogstrom, Kenneth R and Garden, Adam S and McNeese, Marsha D and Boyd, Robert A and Antolak, John A}, year = {2002}, month = jul, journal = {International Journal of Radiation Oncology*Biology*Physics}, volume = {53}, number = {4}, pages = {1023--1037}, issn = {03603016}, doi = {10.1016/S0360-3016(02)02811-0}, urldate = {2024-01-20}, langid = {english} } @article{kusch_kit-rt_2022, title = {{{KiT-RT}}: {{An}} Extendable Framework for Radiative Transfer and Therapy}, shorttitle = {{{KiT-RT}}}, author = {Kusch, Jonas and Schotth{\"o}fer, Steffen and Stammer, Pia and Wolters, Jannick and Xiao, Tianbai}, year = {2022}, publisher = {arXiv}, doi = {10.48550/ARXIV.2205.08417}, urldate = {2024-01-20}, abstract = {In this paper we present KiT-RT (Kinetic Transport Solver for Radiation Therapy), an open-source C++ based framework for solving kinetic equations in radiation therapy applications. The aim of this code framework is to provide a collection of classical deterministic solvers for unstructured meshes that allow for easy extendability. Therefore, KiT-RT is a convenient base to test new numerical methods in various applications and compare them against conventional solvers. The implementation includes spherical-harmonics, minimal entropy, neural minimal entropy and discrete ordinates methods. Solution characteristics and efficiency are presented through several test cases ranging from radiation transport to electron radiation therapy. Due to the variety of included numerical methods and easy extendability, the presented open source code is attractive for both developers, who want a basis to build their own numerical solvers and users or application engineers, who want to gain experimental insights without directly interfering with the codebase.}, copyright = {Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International}, keywords = {65M08,FOS: Computer and information sciences,FOS: Physical sciences,G.4; J.2,Mathematical Software (cs.MS),Medical Physics (physics.med-ph)} } @article{kusch_kit-rt_2023, title = {{{KiT-RT}}: {{An Extendable Framework}} for {{Radiative Transfer}} and {{Therapy}}}, shorttitle = {{{KiT-RT}}}, author = {Kusch, Jonas and Schotth{\"o}fer, Steffen and Stammer, Pia and Wolters, Jannick and Xiao, Tianbai}, year = {2023}, month = dec, journal = {ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software}, volume = {49}, number = {4}, pages = {1--24}, issn = {0098-3500, 1557-7295}, doi = {10.1145/3630001}, urldate = {2024-01-20}, abstract = {In this article, we present Kinetic Transport Solver for Radiation Therapy (KiT-RT), an open source C++-based framework for solving kinetic equations in therapy applications available at~ https://github.com/CSMMLab/KiT-RT . This software framework aims to provide a collection of classical deterministic solvers for unstructured meshes that allow for easy extendability. Therefore, KiT-RT is a convenient base to test new numerical methods in various applications and compare them against conventional solvers. The implementation includes spherical harmonics, minimal entropy, neural minimal entropy, and discrete ordinates methods. Solution characteristics and efficiency are presented through several test cases ranging from radiation transport to electron radiation therapy. Due to the variety of included numerical methods and easy extendability, the presented open source code is attractive for both developers, who want a basis to build their numerical solvers, and users or application engineers, who want to gain experimental insights without directly interfering with the codebase.}, langid = {english}, file = {/home/mirbro/Zotero/storage/MAWAAT7D/Kusch et al. - 2023 - KiT-RT An Extendable Framework for Radiative Tran.pdf} } @article{meigooni_dosimetric_2002, title = {Dosimetric Characteristics with Spatial Fractionation Using Electron Grid Therapy}, author = {Meigooni, A.S and Parker, S.A and Zheng, J and Kalbaugh, K.J and Regine, W.F and Mohiuddin, M}, year = {2002}, month = mar, journal = {Medical Dosimetry}, volume = {27}, number = {1}, pages = {37--42}, issn = {09583947}, doi = {10.1016/S0958-3947(02)00086-9}, urldate = {2024-01-17}, langid = {english} } @article{metzkes-ng_dresden_2023, title = {The Dresden Platform Is a Research Hub for Ultra-High Dose Rate Radiobiology}, author = {{Metzkes-Ng}, Josefine and Brack, Florian-Emanuel and Kroll, Florian and Bernert, Constantin and Bock, Stefan and Bodenstein, Elisabeth and Brand, Michael and Cowan, Thomas E. and Gebhardt, Ren{\'e} and Hans, Stefan and Helbig, Uwe and Horst, Felix and Jansen, Jeannette and Kraft, Stephan D. and Krause, Mechthild and Le{\ss}mann, Elisabeth and L{\"o}ck, Steffen and Pawelke, J{\"o}rg and P{\"u}schel, Thomas and Reimold, Marvin and Rehwald, Martin and Richter, Christian and Schlenvoigt, Hans-Peter and Schramm, Ulrich and Sch{\"u}rer, Michael and Seco, Joao and Szab{\'o}, Em{\'i}lia Rita and Umlandt, Marvin E. P. and Zeil, Karl and Ziegler, Tim and Beyreuther, Elke}, year = {2023}, month = nov, journal = {Scientific Reports}, volume = {13}, number = {1}, pages = {20611}, issn = {2045-2322}, doi = {10.1038/s41598-023-46873-8}, urldate = {2024-01-28}, abstract = {Abstract The recently observed FLASH effect describes the observation of normal tissue protection by ultra-high dose rates (UHDR), or dose delivery in a fraction of a second, at similar tumor-killing efficacy of conventional dose delivery and promises great benefits for radiotherapy patients. Dedicated studies are now necessary to define a robust set of dose application parameters for FLASH radiotherapy and to identify underlying mechanisms. These studies require particle accelerators with variable temporal dose application characteristics for numerous radiation qualities, equipped for preclinical radiobiological research. Here we present the dresden platform , a research hub for ultra-high dose rate radiobiology. By uniting clinical and research accelerators with radiobiology infrastructure and know-how, the dresden platform offers a unique environment for studying the FLASH effect. We introduce its experimental capabilities and demonstrate the platform's suitability for systematic investigation of FLASH by presenting results from a concerted in vivo radiobiology study with zebrafish embryos. The comparative pre-clinical study was conducted across one electron and two proton accelerator facilities, including an advanced laser-driven proton source applied for FLASH-relevant in vivo irradiations for the first time. The data show a protective effect of UHDR irradiation up to \$\$10\^{}\{5\}{\textbackslash}text\{Gy\}/{\textbackslash}text\{s\}\$\$ 10 5 Gy / s and suggests consistency of the protective effect even at escalated dose rates of \$\$10\^{}9{\textbackslash}text\{Gy\}/{\textbackslash}text\{s\}\$\$ 10 9 Gy / s . With the first clinical FLASH studies underway, research facilities like the dresden platform , addressing the open questions surrounding FLASH, are essential to accelerate FLASH's translation into clinical practice.}, langid = {english}, file = {/home/mirbro/Zotero/storage/EM3P3VUD/Metzkes-Ng et al. - 2023 - The dresden platform is a research hub for ultra-h.pdf} } @techreport{muller_description_2001, title = {Description of Beam-Matter Interaction in the Covariance Matrix Formalism: {{Application}} to {{Modification}} of {{Emittance}} and {{Twiss Parameters}} -}, author = {M{\"u}ller, A-S}, year = {2001}, address = {Geneva}, institution = {CERN} } @article{nabinger_transverse_2022, title = {Transverse and {{Longitudinal Modulation}} of {{Photoinjection Pulses}} at {{FLUTE}}}, author = {Nabinger, Matthias and M{\"u}ller, Anke-Susanne and Nasse, Michael and Sax, Carl and Sch{\"a}fer, Jens and Widmann, Christina and Xu, Chenran}, year = {2022}, journal = {Proceedings of the 13th International Particle Accelerator Conference}, volume = {IPAC2022}, pages = {4 pages, 2.948 MB}, publisher = {JACoW Publishing, Geneva, Switzerland}, issn = {2673-5490}, doi = {10.18429/JACOW-IPAC2022-TUPOPT068}, urldate = {2024-01-20}, abstract = {To generate the electrons to be accelerated, a photoinjection laser is used at the linac-based test facility FLUTE (Ferninfrarot Linac- Und Test Experiment) at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT). The properties of the laser pulse, such as intensity, laser spot size or temporal profile, are the first parameters to influence the characteristics of the electron bunches. In order to control the initial parameters of the electrons in the most flexible way possible, the laser optics at FLUTE are therefore supplemented by additional setups that allow transverse and longitudinal laser pulse shaping by using so-called Spatial Light Modulators (SLMs). In the future, the control of the SLMs will be integrated into a Machine Learning (ML) supported feedback system for the optimization of the electron bunch properties. In this contribution the first test experiments and results on laser pulse shaping at FLUTE on the way to this project are presented.}, collaborator = {Frank (Ed.), Zimmermann and Hitoshi (Ed.), Tanaka and Porntip (Ed.), Sudmuang and Prapong (Ed.), Klysubun and Prapaiwan (Ed.), Sunwong and Thakonwat (Ed.), Chanwattana and Christine (Ed.), Petit-Jean-Genaz and R.W. (Ed.), Volker, Schaa}, copyright = {Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International}, isbn = {9783954502271}, langid = {english}, keywords = {Accelerator Physics,MC6: Beam Instrumentation Controls Feedback and Operational Aspects} } @article{nasse_flute_2013, title = {{{FLUTE}}: {{A}} Versatile Linac-Based {{THz}} Source}, shorttitle = {{{FLUTE}}}, author = {Nasse, M. J. and Schuh, M. and Naknaimueang, S. and Schwarz, M. and Plech, A. and Mathis, Y.-L. and Rossmanith, R. and Wesolowski, P. and Huttel, E. and Schmelling, M. and M{\"u}ller, A.-S.}, year = {2013}, month = feb, journal = {Review of Scientific Instruments}, volume = {84}, number = {2}, pages = {022705}, issn = {0034-6748, 1089-7623}, doi = {10.1063/1.4790431}, urldate = {2024-04-12}, abstract = {A new compact versatile linear accelerator named FLUTE is currently being designed at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology. This paper presents the status of this 42 MeV machine. It will be used to generate strong (several 100 MV/m) ultra-short ({$\sim$}1 ps) THz pulses (up to {$\sim$}4--25 THz) for photon science experiments, as well as to conduct a variety of accelerator studies. The latter range from comparing different coherent THz radiation generation schemes to compressing electron bunches and studying the electron beam stability. The bunch charge will cover a wide range ({$\sim$}100 pC--3 nC). Later we plan to also produce ultra-short x-ray pulses from the electron bunches, which, for example, could then be combined for THz pump--x-ray probe experiments.}, langid = {english} } @article{nevay_bdsim_2020, title = {{{BDSIM}}: {{An}} Accelerator Tracking Code with Particle--Matter Interactions}, shorttitle = {{{BDSIM}}}, author = {Nevay, L.J. and Boogert, S.T. and Snuverink, J. and Abramov, A. and Deacon, L.C. and {Garcia-Morales}, H. and Lefebvre, H. and Gibson, S.M. and {Kwee-Hinzmann}, R. and Shields, W. and Walker, S.D.}, year = {2020}, month = jul, journal = {Computer Physics Communications}, volume = {252}, pages = {107200}, issn = {00104655}, doi = {10.1016/j.cpc.2020.107200}, urldate = {2024-01-19}, langid = {english}, file = {/home/mirbro/Zotero/storage/NTN3NC2G/Nevay et al. - 2020 - BDSIM An accelerator tracking code with particle–.pdf} } @article{petersson_high_2017, title = {High Dose-per-pulse Electron Beam Dosimetry --- {{A}} Model to Correct for the Ion Recombination in the {{Advanced Markus}} Ionization Chamber}, author = {Petersson, Kristoffer and Jaccard, Maud and Germond, Jean-Fran{\c c}ois and Buchillier, Thierry and Bochud, Fran{\c c}ois and Bourhis, Jean and Vozenin, Marie-Catherine and Bailat, Claude}, year = {2017}, month = feb, journal = {Medical Physics}, volume = {44}, number = {3}, pages = {1157--1167}, publisher = {Wiley}, issn = {2473-4209}, doi = {10.1002/mp.12111} } @inproceedings{reisig_development_2022, title = {Development of an {{Electro-Optical Longitudinal Bunch Profile Monitor}} at {{KARA Towards}} a {{Beam Diagnostics Tool}} for {{FCC-ee}}}, booktitle = {Proc. {{IPAC}}'22}, author = {Rei{\ss}ig, M. and Brosi, M. and Br{\"u}ndermann, E. and Funkner, S. and H{\"a}rer, B. and M{\"u}ller, A.-S. and Niehues, G. and Patil, M. M. and Ruprecht, R. and Widmann, C.}, year = {2022}, month = jul, series = {International {{Particle Accelerator Conference}}}, number = {13}, pages = {296--299}, publisher = {JACoW Publishing, Geneva, Switzerland}, issn = {2673-5490}, doi = {10.18429/JACoW-IPAC2022-MOPOPT025}, abstract = {The Karlsruhe Research Accelerator (KARA) at KIT features an electro-optical (EO) near-field diagnostics setup to conduct turn-by-turn longitudinal bunch profile measurements in the storage ring using electro-optical spectral decoding (EOSD). Within the Future Circular Collider Innovation Study (FCCIS) an EO monitor using the same technique is being conceived to measure the longitudinal profile and center-of-charge of the bunches in the future electron-positron collider FCC-ee. This contribution provides an overview of the EO near-field diagnostics at KARA and discusses the development and its challenges towards an effective beam diagnostics concept for the FCC-ee.}, isbn = {978-3-95450-227-1}, langid = {english}, keywords = {collider,electron,laser,me,operation,polarization} } @article{romano_ultrahigh_2022, title = {Ultra-high Dose Rate Dosimetry: {{Challenges}} and Opportunities for {{FLASH}} Radiation Therapy}, shorttitle = {Ultra-high Dose Rate Dosimetry}, author = {Romano, Francesco and Bailat, Claude and Jorge, Patrik Gon{\c c}alves and Lerch, Michael Lloyd Franz and Darafsheh, Arash}, year = {2022}, month = jul, journal = {Medical Physics}, volume = {49}, number = {7}, pages = {4912--4932}, issn = {0094-2405, 2473-4209}, doi = {10.1002/mp.15649}, urldate = {2024-01-17}, abstract = {Abstract The clinical translation of FLASH radiotherapy (RT) requires challenges related to dosimetry and beam monitoring of ultra-high dose rate (UHDR) beams to be addressed. Detectors currently in use suffer from saturation effects under UHDR regimes, requiring the introduction of correction factors. There is significant interest from the scientific community to identify the most reliable solutions and suitable experimental approaches for UHDR dosimetry. This interest is manifested through the increasing number of national and international projects recently proposed concerning UHDR dosimetry. Attaining the desired solutions and approaches requires further optimization of already established technologies as well as the investigation of novel radiation detection and dosimetry methods. New knowledge will also emerge to fill the gap in terms of validated protocols, assessing new dosimetric procedures and standardized methods. In this paper, we discuss the main challenges coming from the peculiar beam parameters characterizing UHDR beams for FLASH RT. These challenges vary considerably depending on the accelerator type and technique used to produce the relevant UHDR radiation environment. We also introduce some general considerations on how the different time structure in the production of the radiation beams, as well as the dose and dose-rate per pulse, can affect the detector response. Finally, we discuss the requirements that must characterize any proposed dosimeters for use in UDHR radiation environments. A detailed status of the current technology is provided, with the aim of discussing the detector features and their performance characteristics and/or limitations in UHDR regimes. We report on further developments for established detectors and novel approaches currently under investigation with a view to predict future directions in terms of dosimetry approaches, practical procedures, and protocols. Due to several on-going detector and dosimetry developments associated with UHDR radiation environment for FLASH RT it is not possible to provide a simple list of recommendations for the most suitable detectors for FLASH RT dosimetry. However, this article does provide the reader with a detailed description of the most up-to-date dosimetric approaches, and describes the behavior of the detectors operated under UHDR irradiation conditions and offers expert discussion on the current challenges which we believe are important and still need to be addressed in the clinical translation of FLASH RT.}, langid = {english}, file = {/home/mirbro/Zotero/storage/AIPE7PS6/Romano et al. - 2022 - Ultra‐high dose rate dosimetry Challenges and opp.pdf} } @article{schonfeldt_parallelized_2017, title = {Parallelized {{Vlasov-Fokker-Planck}} Solver for Desktop Personal Computers}, author = {Sch{\"o}nfeldt, Patrik and Brosi, Miriam and Schwarz, Markus and Steinmann, Johannes L. and M{\"u}ller, Anke-Susanne}, year = {2017}, month = mar, journal = {Physical Review Accelerators and Beams}, volume = {20}, number = {3}, pages = {030704}, issn = {2469-9888}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevAccelBeams.20.030704}, urldate = {2024-01-19}, langid = {english}, file = {/home/mirbro/Zotero/storage/5QNM8XC7/Schönfeldt et al. - 2017 - Parallelized Vlasov-Fokker-Planck solver for deskt.pdf} } @article{schuller_european_2020, title = {The {{European Joint Research Project UHDpulse}} -- {{Metrology}} for Advanced Radiotherapy Using Particle Beams with Ultra-High Pulse Dose Rates}, author = {Sch{\"u}ller, Andreas and Heinrich, Sophie and Fouillade, Charles and Subiel, Anna and De Marzi, Ludovic and Romano, Francesco and Peier, Peter and Trachsel, Maria and Fleta, Celeste and Kranzer, Rafael and Caresana, Marco and Salvador, Samuel and Busold, Simon and Sch{\"o}nfeld, Andreas and McEwen, Malcolm and Gomez, Faustino and Solc, Jaroslav and Bailat, Claude and Linhart, Vladimir and Jakubek, Jan and Pawelke, J{\"o}rg and Borghesi, Marco and Kapsch, Ralf-Peter and Knyziak, Adrian and Boso, Alberto and Olsovcova, Veronika and Kottler, Christian and Poppinga, Daniela and Ambrozova, Iva and Schmitzer, Claus-Stefan and Rossomme, Severine and Vozenin, Marie-Catherine}, year = {2020}, month = dec, journal = {Physica Medica}, volume = {80}, pages = {134--150}, publisher = {Elsevier BV}, issn = {1120-1797}, doi = {10.1016/j.ejmp.2020.09.020} } @article{seuntjens_photon_2009, title = {Photon Absorbed Dose Standards}, author = {Seuntjens, Jan and Duane, Simon}, year = {2009}, month = mar, journal = {Metrologia}, volume = {46}, number = {2}, pages = {S39}, doi = {10.1088/0026-1394/46/2/S04}, abstract = {In this review the current status of absorbed dose to water standards for high-energy photon beams (60Co---50 MV nominal accelerating potential) is discussed. The review is focused on calorimeter-based absorbed dose standards for photon radiation therapy calibrations with typical dose rates of a few gray per minute. In addition, two alternative types of absorbed dose standards are also discussed. The overall uncertainty on measured dose to water in static reference fields is nowadays on the order of 0.4\% to 0.5\%. The components contributing to the uncertainty budgets are discussed. The discussed absorbed dose to water standards are expected to continue to have their place not only in the dissemination of absorbed dose to water but also in the determination of beam quality conversion factors essential in reference dosimetry in high-energy photon beams.} } @article{tavares_status_2019, title = {Status of the {{MAX IV Accelerators}}}, author = {Tavares, Pedro and {Al-Dmour}, Eshraq and Andersson, {\AA}ke and Breunlin, Jonas and Cullinan, Francis and Mansten, Erik and Molloy, Stephen and Olsson, David and Olsson, David and Sj{\"o}str{\"o}m, Magnus and Thorin, Sara}, year = {2019}, journal = {Proceedings of the 10th Int. Particle Accelerator Conf.}, volume = {IPAC2019}, pages = {6 pages, 1.033 MB}, publisher = {JACoW Publishing, Geneva, Switzerland}, doi = {10.18429/JACOW-IPAC2019-TUYPLM3}, urldate = {2024-01-20}, abstract = {The MAX IV facility in Lund, Sweden, consists of three electron accelerators and their respective synchrotron radiation beamlines: a 3 GeV ring, which is the first implementation worldwide of a multi-bend achromat lattice, a 1.5 GeV ring optimized for soft X-Rays and UV radiation production and a 3 GeV linear accelerator that acts as a full-energy injector into both rings and provides electron pulses as short as 100 fs that produce X-rays by spontaneous emission in the undulators of the short-pulse facility (SPF). In this paper, we review the latest achieved accelerator performance and operational results.}, collaborator = {Mark (Ed.), Boland and Hitoshi (Ed.), Tanaka and David (Ed.), Button and Rohan (Ed.), Dowd and RW (Ed.), Volker, Schaa and Eugene (Ed.), Tan}, copyright = {CC 3.0}, isbn = {9783954502080}, langid = {english}, keywords = {Accelerator Physics,MC2: Photon Sources and Electron Accelerators} } @article{thariat_past_2013, title = {Past, Present, and Future of Radiotherapy for the Benefit of Patients}, author = {Thariat, Juliette and {Hannoun-Levi}, Jean-Michel and Sun Myint, Arthur and Vuong, Te and G{\'e}rard, Jean-Pierre}, year = {2013}, month = jan, journal = {Nature Reviews Clinical Oncology}, volume = {10}, number = {1}, pages = {52--60}, issn = {1759-4774, 1759-4782}, doi = {10.1038/nrclinonc.2012.203}, urldate = {2024-01-19}, langid = {english} } @misc{the_hdf_group_hierarchical_1997, title = {Hierarchical {{Data Format}}, Version 5}, author = {{The HDF Group}}, year = {1997}, howpublished = {https://www.hdfgroup.org/HDF5/} } @article{vozenin_towards_2022, title = {Towards Clinical Translation of {{FLASH}} Radiotherapy}, author = {Vozenin, Marie-Catherine and Bourhis, Jean and Durante, Marco}, year = {2022}, month = dec, journal = {Nature Reviews Clinical Oncology}, volume = {19}, number = {12}, pages = {791--803}, issn = {1759-4774, 1759-4782}, doi = {10.1038/s41571-022-00697-z}, urldate = {2024-01-17}, langid = {english} } @article{wang_accelerated_2021, title = {Accelerated {{Deep Reinforcement Learning}} for {{Fast Feedback}} of {{Beam Dynamics}} at {{KARA}}}, author = {Wang, Weija and Caselle, Michele and Boltz, Tobias and Blomley, Edmund and Brosi, Miriam and Dritschler, Timo and Ebersoldt, Andreas and Kopmann, Andreas and Garcia, Andrea Santamaria and Schreiber, Patrick and Br{\"u}ndermann, Erik and Weber, Marc and M{\"u}ller, Anke-Susanne and Fang, Yangwang}, year = {2021}, journal = {IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science}, volume = {68}, number = {8}, pages = {1794--1800}, doi = {10.1109/TNS.2021.3084515}, keywords = {me} }