Theory survey of required vs available diagnostics to measure/determine 6D particle distribution at different positions in the linac, e.g. virtual diagnostic available - set up necessary diagnostic/detectors/targets for dose rate measurement in air and in a water target (including market survey and acquisition) Year 1 - measurements of 6D particle distribution at accelerator exit and investigate dependence on accelerator parameters, e.g. pulse length, charge, spot size simulate the differences in deposited dose (2D) depending on initial distribution accelerator as well as in dependence on inclusion of the collective effects during beam transport. simulate/evaluate the different operation modes of FLUTE (varying pulse length and charge) with respect towards dose rate of final electron beam, with e.g. FLUKA/EGSnrc Phd student - (experimental/simulation) study of beam paramteres influence (on charge distribution) and deposited dose at FLUTE (including collective effects if possible) experimental setup and diagnostic and dosimetry electron beam in flute, extend beyond accelerator and into phantom/target/ … dosimetry, ...dependence on beam parameters....pulse length, charge, transverse size/emittance, energy? → provide input for simulations and later cross-checks with simulation based on measurement results - hit tests mit protonen? (was testen) influence of collective effects? transfer to protons Phd student based on previous results work on algorithm/method to adjust starting distribution in such a way that the a certain “requested” distribution on target is achieved by pre-compensating(??) the expected effects of transport through accelerator and matter…. - create combined simulation tool which includes all three parts the beam dynamic in the accelerator and the propagation through matter to the target and finally the deposited dose. develop calculation to define starting distributions in order to achieve specific output distributions (which could be based on requested beam structures defined by the results in RT developments) Experiment Postdoc? investigate beam matter interaction for ultra short, high intensity pulses? Simulation PostDoc extend and combine simulations and implement new methods to propagate structured beams through accelerator and matter interaction, based on the existing simulations like MC but also transport matrix stuff, include not only single electron matter effects but also consider collective effects during transport through matter for electrons find best implementation method out of the following posibilities best would be if it results in a combined code with accelerator stuff? if I ask for that, then it is more safe if the coll effects in matter are not so important, - use detector that allows for 2d transverse distribution measurement… .or can 2d dose be calculated from 2d distribution measurement with e.g. screen?? how does longitudinal distribution affect this???? PhD zweiter - feasabiliy of calulating start distribution based on requested final distribution vs study of feasability of accelerator based beam modulation for RT? title passt nicht zu inhalt!!!! based on previous results work (for full start to end transport, including collective effects) ehr theoretish/ mathematisch angehen ob und wie das ein inverses problem sein kann, dass man basierend auf einer gewünschten endverteilung die richtige start verteilung wählt year 4 - expand setup to allow for detection of spatial distribution in dose, (could be film Kodak XV-2 silver halide radiographic film and thermoluminescent dosimeter TLD-100 as in ( ) or what about a detector like (27x27cm? Oder doch 4x4cm?? literature research on dose deposited by longitudinal and transverse structured beams based on different proposed flash RT accelerators (from papers) investigate the influence of collective effects in beam generation in accelerator Master student setup 2d dose measurement investigate evolution of different temporally and spatially structured radiation beams passing through matter, quantify deterioration of initial structuring based on path length in different materials and initial dimensions and size of structuring (based on requirements in FLASH and microbeam RT) and different particles ?think about x-rays from KARA? year 3 - investigate dependence of measured dose on accelerator parameters such as pulse length, charge, longitudinal/transverse structure? ENERGY! ... - experimental studies of the propagation of 6D particle distribution through air and/or water, structuring done by mask at accelerator exit as well as structured by gun or dynamic in linac year5 literature research on which effect affect dosimetry of ultra short, high intensity dose rate beams two type of ion-recombination, and more, all the correction factors extend studies to X-ray(/THz?) at synchrotron light source (KARA)???????? for micro beams, normally used mask, probably no way to get electrons per-structured??? for FLASH, problem high reprate? year 6 simulate different possibilities to achieve structure beam at exit: - spatial light modulator also used for longitudinal modulation via spectral modulation? - energy modulation turned spatial with spectrometer magnet at exit - magnet lattice, e.g. overfokussing?…. - simulate the 6D particle distribution expected at the exit of the/A linear accelerator, employing e.g. ASTRA (gun to start compressor with Space charge) and OCELOT (through compressor with CSR) test different possibilities to achieve structure beam at exit: - masks? - spatial light modulator also used for longitudinal modulation via spectral modulation? - energy modulation turned spatial with spectrometer magnet at exit - zwei quads to blow up and then collimate beam with the bigger size - use SLM to change spot on cathode shot by shot, and therefore, change (e.g.) scan e beam. is this simpler, than scanning with a magnet? check influnce of collective effect, simulation with and without, in accelerator but also in matter - Investigate if link between starting distribution and output beam structure exists, by starting with custom, artificial test structures and simulate resulting structure at output, can the transformation be calculated without using particle tracking. (input of knowledge of accelerator optics/model is okay) simulation of the beam dynamics for this particle distribution on its trajectory to the target, based on existing simulation tools and models, e.g. transport/covariance matrices combined with average scattering angles based on existing beam-matter interaction descriptions - and/or electrons from Lpaccelerator… year 2 literature research of models and methods to propagate structured radiation beams though air and matter, starting from e.g. GEANT4, BDSIM, EGSnrc (with BEAMnrc), ... ??? ??? what first? ??? ??? ???