2024-04-10 09:45:47 +02:00

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The proposed project will investigate temporally and spatially structured accelerator-generated beams required for novel radiotherapy (RT) methods, such as FLASH and Microbeam RT.
The main focus will be the investigation of the involved accelerator physics regarding collective effects in these complex beams.
The coexistence of many particles in the used, densely populated pulses causes strong effects, i.e. collective effects, which originate from interactions of particles within the beam and with the environment.
In particular, the consideration of collective effects will be extended into the beam-matter interaction outside of the accelerator.
Thereby, the project aims for a greatly improved predictability of the beam properties on the target.
This, combined with a systematic study of applicable diagnostic methods, will form the basis for research into the possibilities and physical limits of accelerator-based pulse shaping and modulation, with the aim of generating custom, predefined beam shapes for radiotherapy within this project.
Even beyond this application, the proposed project has the potential to resolve a fundamental limitation inherent to all applications of high-intensity, short-duration particle pulses by improved understanding, predictability and potential control of similarly complex beams.
...Due to extrem properties.. Kollektive effects consideration crucial for... Goal of predicting... ..
Im Rahmen des vorgeschlagenen Projekts werden zeitlich und räumlich strukturierte, von Beschleunigern erzeugte Teilchenstrahlen stehen, die für neuartige Strahlentherapieverfahren (radiotherapy = RT) wie FLASH und Microbeam RT benötigt werden.
%Der Schwerpunkt liegt dabei auf der Untersuchung der beteiligten Beschleunigerphysik, insbesondere im Hinblick auf kollektive Effekte innerhalb dieser komplexen Strahlen.
Der Schwerpunkt liegt dabei auf der beteiligten Beschleunigerphysik, insbesondere der Untersuchung kollektiver Effekte innerhalb dieser komplexen Strahlen.
Die Koexistenz vieler Teilchen in den verwendeten, dicht besetzten Pulsen führt zu starken kollektiven Effekten, und daraus folgenden Strahlverformungen oder Instabilitäten, die durch Wechselwirkungen der Teilchen untereinander innerhalb des Strahls sowie des Teilchenensembles mit der Umgebung entstehen.
Insbesondere soll die Betrachtung der kollektiven Effekte auf die Strahl-Materie-Wechselwirkung außerhalb des Beschleunigers ausgedehnt werden.
Dadurch soll(???) die Vorhersagbarkeit der Strahleigenschaften auf dem Target erheblich präzisiert werden.
In Verbindung mit einer systematischen Untersuchung geeigneter Diagnosemethoden bildet dies die Grundlage für die Erforschung der Möglichkeiten und physikalischen Grenzen von beschleunigerbasierter Pulsformung und -modulation, mit dem Ziel, im Rahmen dieses Projekts, Methoden zu Erzeugung maßgeschneiderter, vordefinierter Strahlverteilungen für die Strahlentherapie/FLASH und Microbeam RT zu entwickeln und zu demonstrieren (first tests???).
Auch über diese Anwendung hinaus, hat das vorgeschlagene Projekt das Potenzial, eine grundlegende Beschränkung zu überwinden, die allen Anwendungen von Teilchenpulsen hoher Intensität und kurzer Dauer innewohnt, indem es das Verständnis, die Vorhersagbarkeit und die Möglichkeit zur Kontrolle ähnlich komplexer Teilchenstrahlen verbessert/vorantreibt(?).
...und zwar durch ein besseres Verständnis, eine bessere Vorhersagbarkeit und eine mögliche Kontrolle ähnlich komplexer Strahlen.
...die durch Wechselwirkungen innerhalb des Teilchenensembles sowie dessen(??) mit der Umgebung entstehen.
...In Verbindung mit einer systematischen Untersuchung geeigneter Diagnosemethoden bildet dies die Grundlage für die Erforschung der Möglichkeiten und physikalischen Grenzen von beschleunigerbasierter Pulsformung und -modulation. Im Rahmen dieses Projekts, sollen Methoden zu Erzeugung maßgeschneiderter, vordefinierter Strahlverteilungen für die Strahlentherapie/FLASH und Microbeam RT entwickelt und demonstriert werden.
...Which will be a strong/important contribution to the advancement of ...
...Mit dieser Art von Kontrolle wird das Ergebnis des Projekts einen bedeutenden Beitrag zu FLASH und Microbeam RT (sowie zu allgemeinen Fortschritten in der Beschleunigerphysik) darstellen.
...Auch über diese Anwendung hinaus, hat das vorgeschlagene Projekt das Potenzial zu Anwendungen von Teilchenpulsen hoher Intensität und kurzer Dauer beizutragen, indem es das Verständnis, die Vorhersagbarkeit und die Möglichkeit zur Kontrolle dieser komplexen Teilchenstrahlen verbessert.
...Auch über diese Anwendung hinaus, hat das vorgeschlagene Projekt das Potenzial zum allgemeinen Fortschritt von Anwendungen von Teilchenpulsen hoher Intensität und kurzer Dauer (in der Beschleunigerphysik) beizutragen, indem es das Verständnis, die Vorhersagbarkeit und die Möglichkeit zur Kontrolle dieser komplexen Teilchenstrahlen vorantreibt.
Particle accelerators play a vital role in a multitude of scientific fields such as the field of radiotherapy (RT). Novel radiotherapy methods, such as FLASH RT (very high doses in short pulses) and Microbeam RT (spatially fractionated pulses), are based on temporally and spatially structured accelerator-based particle beams with high requirements on their properties. These requirements cause strong effects caused by the coexistence of many particles in the densely populated pulses, summarized under the term collective effects, for which the knowledge of influence on relativistic particle beams, with properties used in the novel RT methods, is currently incomplete. As these can affect the dose distribution on target, an important aspect for radiotherapy, the investigation of collective effects for such beams is of the essence. The proposed project will improve the understanding to increase the predictability and enhance control of accelerator-based electron beams. This will be applied to beams for FLASH RT and Microbeam RT. It will furthermore study applicable detection methods and assess possibilities as well as limitations of temporal and spatial pulse shaping and modulation of accelerator-based RT beams with the ultimate goal to generate custom beam shapes and dose distributions on target.
Likewise, this allows very new and exciting insight into relativistic particle behavior and, finally, will enable novel and resource-efficient operation modes of accelerators. When applied to linear accelerators for medical purpose, this approach has the potential to resolve a fundamental limitation inherent to all applications of high-intensity, short-duration particle pulses by improved understanding, predictability and potential control of these challenging beams.
The consideration of these effects in particular by extending the consideration of collective effects into the beam-matter interaction outside of the accelerator will greatly improve the predictability of the beam properties on the target.
These complex beams cause strong effects through the coexistence of many particles in densely populated bunches which lead to interactions of particles within the beam as well as with the environment, both depending on the detailed particle distribution.
To greatly improve the predictability of beam properties, the main focus
of this project will be the investigation of the involved accelerator physics in terms of
the influence of collective effects in particular by extending the consideration thereof into the beam-matter interaction outside of the accelerator.
The main focus will be the investigation of the involved accelerator physics regarding collective effects in these complex beams.
These strong (collective) effects are caused by the coexistence of many particles in densely populated bunches leading to interactions of particles within the beam as well as with the environment, both depending on the detailed particle distribution.
The coexistence of many particles in the used densely populated beams cause strong effects, i.e. collective effects, which originate from interactions of particles within the beam as well as with the environment.
The coexistence of many particles in densely populated bunches cause strong effects summarised under the term collective effects.
The consideration of these effects in particular by ... will greatly improve...
These will be considered in particular by extending the consideration of collective effects into the beam-matter interaction outside of the accelerator.
The project thereby aims for a greatly improved predictability of the beam properties on the target.
This, combined with a systematic study of applicable diagnostic methods, will form the basis for research into the possibilities and physical limits of accelerator-based pulse shaping and modulation, with the aim of generating predefined beam shapes for medical applications.
Likewise, this allows very new and exciting insight into relativistic particle behavior and, finally, will enable to novel and resource-efficient operation modes of accelerators. When applied to linear accelerators for medical purpose, this approach has the potential to resolve a fundamental limitation inherent to all applications of high-intensity, short-duration particle pulses by improved understanding, predictability and potential control of these challenging beams.
The main focus will be the investigation of the involved accelerator physics in terms of
the influence of collective effects on the dynamics for these complex beams in particular by extending the consideration of collective effects into the beam-matter interaction outside of the accelerator.
The project thereby aims for a greatly improved predictability of the beam properties on the target.
By furthering the accelerator physics understanding through investigating
the influence of collective effects on the dynamics for these complex beams,
the project aims for a greatly improved predictability of the beam properties.
A substantial contribution to this will be by extending the consideration of collective effects into the beam-matter interaction outside of the accelerator
The main point will be extending the consideration of collective effects into the beam-matter interaction outside of the accelerator